
Latest Issue

  • A History of Memorial Day 0

    This weekend we will be observing the Memorial Day weekend. It is the weekend that generally ushers in the summer season with picnics and other festivities, though that might be adjusted some due to Covid-19, but many have forgotten what Memorial Day’s true meaning is. It is important to recall its history and why it

  • County Hall Corner: Life and Livelihood in the Balance1

    Imagine a scenario where there is a fire down the street where you live, and you were told you had to abandon your home as a preventive measure. And after some time passes, and the fire appears to be under control, you ask when you can return to your home, and you are told that

  • Leadership Lycoming Turning to Virtual Programming in These COVID-19 Times0

    For more than 33 years The Leadership Lycoming program, which was designed to motivate and develop leaders for the betterment of our community, has had a rich history and tradition, has s taken on new avenues to learn about Lycoming County. This program has provided opportunities for leaders to become invested and involved in their

  • Rupert’s Specialty Meats2

    • May 20, 2020

    Mike Rupert, owner of Rupert’s Specialty Meats in Montoursville started out helping his father process deer at a young age. Then, in 1984 he began cutting meat. In June of 1987, Mike and his father Bob Rupert started Rupert’s Specialty Meats. Five years ago, Bob retired, but Mike continues to grow the business, and has

  • This Week’s LION: Appreciating the Under-Appreciated0

    No one knows what we are going to call the Post-Pandemic Period, but the one thing we can predict is that it is going to be different than what we experienced just a few short months ago. We will be more cautious and careful in areas we took for granted before, but I believe we

  • GRIT May 9, 1965: Fund Drive For Swimming Pools – Kickoff June 1; Goal $200,0000

    The Williamsport Pool Fund Drive to raise $200,000 for swimming facilities in the city will get underway June 1, according to Edward L Smead, chairman of the fund drive committee. In making the announcement, Mr. Smead said, “It is now up to the people of the city to determine if the city will have swimming

  • County Hall Corner: Mellow Yellow0

    Governor Wolf uses a traffic light metaphor to distinguish the phases of the state quarantine. Since mid-March, Lycoming County has been in a “Red” condition, which certainly translates into “Stop.” We have been mandated to stop almost every aspect of normal life, from education, entertainment, commerce, community life, etc. I think if the governor could

  • Lycoming Animal Protection Society (LAPS)1

    Lycoming Animal Protection Society (LAPS) Sheltering and Protecting Cats For More Than 40 Years There are many wayward cats that wander the streets and byways of Lycoming County. For more than 40 years one organization has been trying to make life better for these wandering felines through sheltering them and finding good homes for them.

  • Tomato Plant Giveaway0

    T.I.M.E. – The Improved Milton Experience and Chef’s Place/Boiardi Museum and Eatery will hold a Tomato Plant giveaway to encourage the public to create “Victory Gardens.” The event is in recognition of the 75th Anniversary of V-E Day on Friday, May 8th which marks the end of World War II in Europe. Many homes in

  • STEP Utilities Assistance Helping More People Through Expanded Fuel Types, Broader Income Guidelines

    STEP Utilities Assistance Helping More People Through Expanded Fuel Types, Broader Income Guidelines0

    In response to economic difficulties facing many area residents, STEP Utilities Assistance is broadening relief for PPL customers using a variety of fuel sources for heat (electric, wood, oil, and propane). At the same time, an increase in the maximum allowable household income will allow those being impacted by COVID-19 to receive assistance. Customers making

  • Solemnity Marks Formal Programs for V-E Day Here0

    Williamsport Sun May 8, 1945 Entirely lacking in the fanfare and excitement which greeted Armistice Day in 1918, tempered by the realization that America will have a war with Japan to win, and made solemn by the knowledge that hostilities to this date have claimed hundreds of the city’s finest young men, Williamsport today, marked

  • Kriger Fence Company Serving Our Area for Over 60 Years

    Kriger Fence Company Serving Our Area for Over 60 Years0

    Kriger Fence is a 3rd generation company that was started in 1955. Kriger Fence is owned by Scott and Sandy Kriger and was founded by Scott’s parents, Bill and Margery. They were one of the first companies in Northcentral PA to install fencing. Scott started working with his father in 1973, and eventually took ownership