
Latest Issue

  • Williamsport Sun: September 15, 1928 – Church Cornerstone Will be Placed Sunday0

    The laying of the cornerstone of the edifice of the new Ascension Church in Newberry will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m. with the Rt. Reve. Msgr. Paul Kelly of Scranton conducting the service. Rev. J.F. Gillogely, rector of the church, announced this morning. The addition to the present edifice is in the course

  • 22nd Annual 9/11 Memorial Ride Takes Place Monday, September 11

    22nd Annual 9/11 Memorial Ride Takes Place Monday, September 110

    Even though it has been 22 years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the organizers of the annual 9/11 Memorial Motorcycle Ride continue to honor and remember the sacrifice and courage of those who were lost on that awful day with their tribute memorial event — the “Remember, Honor, Ride” 9/11 Motorcycle Ride.

  • Local Author Bill Stanford’s New Book, “Coop the Crow Goes to the Moon”

    Local Author Bill Stanford’s New Book, “Coop the Crow Goes to the Moon”0

    Recent release “Coop the Crow Goes to the Moon,” from Covenant Books author Bill Stanford, is an adorable story that centers around Coop, a crow with a penchant for collecting shiny objects to hoard in his special hiding spot inside a hollowed tree. One night, after staring at the moon and its brilliance, Coop decides

  • Library Expands Saturday Hours to Better Serve Community

    Library Expands Saturday Hours to Better Serve Community0

    In order to better serve the community, the James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., is expanding its Saturday hours. Starting September 9, the Library will be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. “To some, a few hours might seem insignificant, but to others, it can make all the difference,” said

  • Four Selected to Receive 2023 Distinguished Alumni Awards0

    The Williamsport Area School District Education Foundation (WASDEF) has named four Williamsport Area High School alumni who will receive its 2023 Distinguished Alumni awards. The following individuals have been notified of their selection and have been invited to accept their award at WASDEF’s first Cherry & White Appreciation Night on Sept. 21 at the Trachte

  • Grit: September 8, 1957 – Gas Price “Wars” End in City Area0

    Mild gas pricing wars which had been carried on intermittently in recent weeks are apparently over as local service stations have stabilized their prices, with regular gasoline selling for an average of 28.9 cents a gallon. Gasoline prices in this area, though varying slightly in recent weeks, never did go as low as in some

  • This Week’s LION: Woodlands Bank Everyday Heroes0

    Every bank is somewhat different in one way or another, but Woodlands Bank is truly unique. Founded in 1989 by a small group of entrepreneurs who desired a different kind of community bank in Lycoming County, they chose the name “Woodlands” to reflect the lumber heritage of the area. It also had the advantage of

  • County Hall Corner: The Perfect County Commissioner0

    I waited until August 29th to wave the white flag, not for surrender, but as in NASCAR racing, it symbolizes the last lap around the track. In ten weeks, we will have an election, and there will be at least two new Lycoming County Commissioners coming on board. I have been touching base with the

  • LIVE UNITED Fundraiser at CAC September 7 Benefits Lycoming County United Way0

    There will be quite a collection of local and former local musical talent performing at the Community Arts Center on Thursday, September 7. They will be on hand to perform at the Third Annual “Live United” concert, which will raise money for the Lycoming County United Way. This concert will feature some of the brightest

  • Williamsport Sun: August 28, 1944 – Auto Club to Sponsor Tire Display Here Today0

    The story of how proper care and driving will produce long mileage on synthetic and recapped tires will be given to a group of interested people at dinner in the Lycoming Hotel this evening, while in front of the hotel the tires will be on display to the public. The Lycoming Automobile Club is the

  • Eder’s Donates Funds From Ice Cream Sale

    Eder’s Donates Funds From Ice Cream Sale0

    Eder’s Ice Cream, Montoursville, recently presented the James V. Brown Library with the portion of funds from the sale of “Liberry” ice cream fundraiser that took place during the month of July. The fundraiser featured a blueberry-flavored “Liberry” ice cream. Eder’s sold a total of 135 gallons of blueberry ice cream or 3,200 scoops and

  • County Hall Corner: Hawaii Oh-No0

    It is hard to tell at the moment what long-lasting impact an event may have. President George W. Bush did not want to impede the rescue work going on after Hurricane Katrina in August of 2005, and thus flew over New Orleans rather than stopping to demonstrate his concern. Katrina haunted him till the end