
Latest Issue

  • Former Tabernacle at Montoursville’s Indian Park Reconstructed and Re-Erected Near Lamar0

    For many years a tabernacle building stood at Montoursville’s Indian Park, going back to the days when it was the Starr Island Amusement Park. This tabernacle was eventually torn down and reconstructed at the Lamar Lighthouse Camp along Route 64 in Clinton County, two miles southwest of Exit 173 of Interstate 80. Now, some 70

  • 148th Lycoming County Fair Happens July 11 to July 210

    A lowered admission price, and a special section of the fair set aside especially for children called the “Amelia Earhart Funway,” are among the new things that fair officials are proud to point out about this year’s 148th edition of the Lycoming County Fair.” “We’ve lowered the price of admission this year from $6 to

  • A Lesson in Leadership0

    A very basic rule in business is that managers manage and leaders lead. Both are important. Every company, large or small, lives or dies on how well those in management are able to get the most out of whatever resource they manage. However, this is all based on maintaining a status quo. What happens, though,

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 11, 1933 – Market Square Becomes Bus Transfer Point0

    Market Square, yesterday, was approved by city council as the bus terminal and transfer point of the Williamsport Transportation Company. Following receipt of a letter from A.H. Rush, president of the bus company setting forth several reasons why the bus dispatchers, and bus operators, recommend the use of the space in Market Square for parking

  • Happy Fourth of July!0

    The Fourth of July has long been one of my favorite holidays. Not only do we get to celebrate the independence of our country, but we get to do it with fireworks and picnic food — which happen to be some of my favorite things! Plus, unlike other holidays, there’s no pressure with the 4th.

  • Gazette and Bulletin: July 6, 1876: The Jubilee – The Great Centennial Fourth in Williamsport0

    At about 8 o’clock in the morning of the Fourth the various organizations and societies that were to participate in the parade began to gather in the neighborhood of Third and Market streets. The column formed with the column resting on Market Square, at nine o’clock, and soon moved to the front of the courthouse,

  • The Salvation Army Seeks Competitors for Williamsport’s 2nd Annual “Most Amazing Race”0

    The Salvation Army serving Lycoming County is seeking adventuresome duos to compete in Williamsport’s 2nd Annual “Most Amazing Race,” to be held on Saturday, August 4, 2018. “The Most Amazing Race” is a scavenger-hunt-style event. Two-person teams will scatter across the City to follow clues and complete mental and physical challenges to progress through a

  • Lots of Independence Day Activities On Tap Throughout Region0

    Patriotic music, rock music and other music, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers will fill the air throughout the region as this area and the nation observes the 242nd anniversary of its independence. The flagship event of all these events in the area will take place in downtown Williamsport with the 23rd “Set the Night to

  • HAM Radio Field Day2

    It was a “Field Day” at the Lycoming County Farm, as HAM radio operators met in fields across the nation on Saturday and Sunday, June 24th and 25th for their annual 2018 National “Field Day” Event organized by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). “Field Day” is the time when practically every amateur radio enthusiast

  • Tony Bartirome Former Williamsport Gray and Eastern League Batting Titlist Dies At 860

    Tony Bartirome, a member of the 1956 Williamsport Grays, and winner of that year’s Eastern League batting crown, died in Bradenton, Florida on June 22 at the age of 86. According to his obituary, Tony is believed to be the only man in the history of the game of baseball to participate as player, trainer,

  • County Hall Corner: A Pledge and a Prayer0

    According to group psychologists, every organization has a certain number of habits, rituals, and practices that define it. These form the organization’s particular “culture.” In the most basic way, it says to those on the outside, “this is how we do things around here.” This culture becomes apparent when newcomers walk into the weekly meeting

  • Groundbreaking at Wolf Run Village

    Groundbreaking at Wolf Run Village0

    Coming soon to Wolf Run Village, 3750 Rt. 220 Highway Hughesville, will be 29 Independent Living Townhouses. These units will be for tenants 55 years or older who want maintenance-free living. Construction is anticipated to be complete in 12-14 months. You can contact Traci or Nicole at 570-772-4662 for more information. Pictured are, from left