
Latest Issue

  • Spring Into the Home Show…0

    Just like Little League marks the end of summer for me, the West Branch Builders Home Show marks the start of spring. I always look forward to spending a couple of hours at the show each year. It’s always nice to hear people’s thoughts, ideas and opinions on the paper. As usual we are doing

  • Socialism – An Evil Veiled Deceptor0

    So let me get this straight…Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a 79-year-old self-proclaimed socialist, again wants to be the president of the United States of America. His last time out seeking the Democratic nomination I guess he just wasn’t experienced enough at age 75. He needed four more years of seasoning to grow his socialistic

  • National Red Cross Month0

    I request that during that month (March) our people rededicate themselves to the splendid aims and activities of the Red Cross. ~ President Franklin D. Roosevelt, first Presidential Proclamation of March as Red Cross Month, 1943 I am a big proponent of the Red Cross. They have their issues, just like most large non-profits, but

  • In Honor and Remembrance of Our American Soldiers

    In Honor and Remembrance of Our American Soldiers0

    What weather we’ve seen over the last year. You just don’t know what to expect. Last week snow and treacherous driving were on full display one day, followed by a beautiful sunrise and 50-degree temperatures the next. One thing’s for sure, March is just around the corner, and that sounds good to me. Let’s hope

  • Protect Yourself0

    Cold and flu season is in full swing and no one is immune. It’s been working its way through my house and our Webb Weekly office. Prevention is the key to keeping yourself healthy this winter, so here are some tips and tricks to keep you from getting sick this year. Sore throat and runny

  • Lower 480

    In 2006, I set a plan to see all the remaining lower 48 states from the seat of a Harley Davidson. I had already ridden to and from all of the northeast — New England and the east coast states down to and including South Carolina by this time. I got a wall map, a

  • Coming to America, No Trojan Horse Required0

    The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about immigration and our Country is the welcoming Lady of Freedom, the Statue of Liberty. I imagine my Italian ancestors as they approached Ellis Island, and that brightly glowing torch extending toward heaven welcomed them. The relief and joy they must have felt after

  • We’ve Been Cooped Up Too Long!0

    Y’all. For real though. It feels like it’s been the longest winter ever. It’s like Winterfell around here. And I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get out of the house. Now, you know how much it bothers me when people say there isn’t anything to do around here. Just in case you’ve

  • Annie Get Your Gun!0

    The family tradition of hunting in Pennsylvania began before Penns Woods had even become a state. In 1683 hunting was permitted as a right of ownership on all land covered by Mr. William Penn’s Charter. The family tradition of an actual “deer season” in the Keystone State did not begin until 1869. At this point

  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month0

    One in three high school students will experience some form of dating violence in their relationships. One in ten high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. According to 81% of parents said they didn’t think or didn’t know if dating violence was a problem. For

  • Mike Is Who He Is – All the Way to Cooperstown1

    Tip of my Loyalsock Lancer cap to cross-creek rival Mike Mussina. His election into the Baseball Hall of Fame is a celebration of a good man doing great things the right way, and being rewarded with baseball immortality. Mike’s priorities have always been in the right order, although sometimes, big city people and sportswriters didn’t

  • Valentine’s Dinner Prep0

    I was going to wait until next week to talk about Valentine’s Day, but I figured I would start this week so that you don’t have an excuse to wait until the last minute to plan something special for that someone special. With Valentine’s falling on a Thursday this year, restaurants are bound to be