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  • We’ve Been Cooped Up Too Long!0

    Y’all. For real though. It feels like it’s been the longest winter ever. It’s like Winterfell around here. And I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get out of the house. Now, you know how much it bothers me when people say there isn’t anything to do around here. Just in case you’ve

  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month0

    One in three high school students will experience some form of dating violence in their relationships. One in ten high school students has been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. According to 81% of parents said they didn’t think or didn’t know if dating violence was a problem. For

  • Valentine’s Dinner Prep0

    I was going to wait until next week to talk about Valentine’s Day, but I figured I would start this week so that you don’t have an excuse to wait until the last minute to plan something special for that someone special. With Valentine’s falling on a Thursday this year, restaurants are bound to be

  • Pigskin Predictions0

    OK y’all. You know how this works. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and not a lot of space to do it. So pitter-patter, let’s get at ‘er! Here are this year’s Super Bowl Predictions from around the area! I asked my BF Steve first, and since he’s not much of a football

  • January is Stalking Awareness Month0

    Normally if I receive a press release or article that I feel warrants sharing in my space, I will re-write or change or add to it before I publish it. However, in this case I felt that not only did the information warrant my space, but there wasn’t much I could do to improve upon

  • It’s Cold-ish! Stay in and Eat!0

    A year ago from writing this, it was 11 degrees, with the wind chill around -4. While the temps are still fairly mild for January in Pennsylvania, let’s not use that as an excuse to not stay in and eat. I thought about offering up a nice healthy recipe for those of you who haven’t


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