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  • So, I Hear There’s a Rap Concert This Sunday…0

    It’s that time of the year once again! Continuing the tradition started by Mike Rafferty, it’s time for our yearly Super Bowl Predictions. So. Are you ready for some football? This year’s big game brings us the Cincinnati Bengals taking on the LA Rams from Sofi Stadium in Los Angeles, California. This is the second

  • It’s Flippin’ Freezing – Stay Inside!0

    Y’all. Despite living the majority of my life in central PA, I am just not built for how cold it’s been recently. As I write this, it’s a whopping 7°. That, my friends, is bull…nevermind… So right now, my only option is to stay inside as much as a I can. Here in the office,

  • Save Lives – Donate Blood0

    According to the American Red Cross, National Blood Donor Month, which has taken place each January since 1970, is such an important observance. Winter is “one of the most difficult times of year to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs.” Busy schedules, bad weather, getting dark early, and COVID concerns are all keeping

  • Winter Dinners0

    Two of my New Year’s resolutions were to eat better and save money. How those two work together is by eating more meals (and by more, I mean the majority) at home. That helps with healthier ingredients, portion control and of course, saving money. This means that I am once again on the hunt for

  • Happy New Year!0

    Wow! I can’t believe that it is 2022. It seems like yesterday that I was hired on as a temp to take over for a temp that was sick. Now here we are 20 years later, and I have a position that not-even-old-enough-to drink-Steph could have only dreamed of! This year we begin our 20th

  • Happy New Year!0

    Well, look at me all fancy like Applebee’s on page 2! I have to tell you; this is one of my favorite issues of the year. Honestly, every year when I write this article, it’s hard not to get a little choked up thinking about all the fantastic organizations that my co-workers and I get


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