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POMAPOO PUPPIES FORSALE, $400.00. 570-547-6409. 188905

AKA BOXER PUPPIES.Vaccinated and Wormed.Ready February 28th. License#6364. 570-538-5471. 189048

MINIATURE DACHSHUNDPUPPIES For Sale.Super Nice, Friendly AndReady For Their New Homes.2 Females, 2 Males, $795.00.Call 570-745-2286. 189180

2 REGISTERED BLACKLAB Puppies For Sale,$500.00. 570-547-6343.189304

MINI AUSTRALIANSHEPHERD Puppies. BlueMerles, Red Merles, Black,Tri’s With Blue Eyes. NiceColors. Nice And FriendlyPuppies. Call To Reserve YourPuppy 570-725-3103 Ext 3.189196

2 ADORABLE TWINIDENTICAL Friendly PuppiesFor Sale. Females PomeranianPoodles, $175.00 EachOBO. Don’t Miss Your ChanceOn These Cuties 570-725-2099Ext 0 . 189294


3 YEAR OLD Blue Merle,Australian Shepherd Female.Nice Farm Dog. Call To MeetHer Today 570-725-3103 Ext 3. 189195


ROUND PENS ALL SIZES.Livestock Panels. ImmediateDelivery. 570-916-3309.189306



THE FOLLOWING SELFSTORAGE Unit Contents OfHousehold And Other GoodsWill Be Sold To Highest BidderOn March 1st At 11am ToSatisfy Liens, Units 5 & 6, JoyGilbert. At 1171 Pleasant HillsRoad Williamsport, PA. 17701.570-337-4994. Cash Only.189295


MARY’S MARKET 9873Route 220 Jersey Shore. BuyingDepression Glass. Come CheckUs Out. Fall & Winter Hours,Thursday Through Sunday 10-5pm. 570-259-1886. 189305

ADVERTISE your Yard Sale,Garage Sale, or RummageSale! Only $7.95 for 5 lines!Contact Jaimie Today!! CallWebb Weekly at (570) 326-9322 or email classifi


RETIREMENT SALE. 6Drawer Pine Dresser, TVs,Dinning Table, Extension & 2Chairs, Handmade Baby Cradle.570-380-3143. 189189


TROOP & PACK 12CHICKEN AND WAFFLESDINNER. St Luke LutheranChurch 1400 Market St. Williamsport.Saturday, March 1st,4:30pm - 6:30pm. Eat in or takeout. Adults $12, Kids $7 (10 &under) 189174


HESHBON PARK UNITEDMETHODIST CHURCH2898 Heshbon Road,Williamsport (Turn Off OfLycoming Creek Rd)Pastor Jane O’Borski.Worship 9AM,Sunday School 10:15 AM.188728

END TIMES EXPLAINED.Duboistown Church 133 SummerStreet. Sundays 10am.“Falling Away” 717-813-3992.Chocolate Easter Eggs ForSale 570-322-5398. 188635


JAZZY ELITE ES ElectricWheelchair. Only Used6 Times. New Batteries In2024, $500.00. 570-873-3223.188913

POLY LAWN FURNITURESold Here At 291 Ottawa Road,Turbotville. Will Take OrdersOf Different Colors. 188897

LIFT CHAIR, Dark Gray,$500.00. Peacock Decorations,Different Designs And Prices.570-220-5687. 188877

STRUGGLING TO HEAR?Audien Hearing delivers crystal-clear sound with affordable,invisible hearing aids. Startingat $189! Call Now: 888-760-1015. C11

FOR SALE 2014 15” Viola(Easton-Eastmond). ConditionIs Like New, Used Once.Comes With Humidity ControlledCase And Lighted MusicStand, $900.00. 570-447-4626. 189290

IBANEZ ALT 30 AcousticGuitar. Like New Condition,$225.00. Call 570-505-2371.189194


CONSUMER CELLULAR -same reliable, nationwide coverageas the largest carriers. Nolong-term contract, no hiddenfees free activation. All plansfeature unlimited talk & text,starting at just $20/mo. Call1-877-305-1535. C11

METAL ROOFING & SIDINGfor Houses, Barns, Sheds,Liner. Closeouts, Returns, Seconds,Overruns, etc. DiscountPrices. Made in Ephrata, PA.Email: 717-445-5222. M11

PREPARE FOR POWEROUTAGES with Briggs &Stratton® PowerProtect(TM)standby generators - the mostpowerful home standby generatorsavailable. Industry-leadingcomprehensive warranty- 7 years ($849 value.) Proudlymade in the U.S.A. Call Briggs& Stratton 1-855-556-2581.M11

DO YOU KNOW WHAT’SIN YOUR WATER? LeafHome Water Solutions offersFREE water testing and wholehome water treatment systemsthat can be installed in as littleas one day. 15% off your entirepurchase. Plus 10% senior andmilitary discounts. Restrictionsapply. Schedule your FREEtest today. Call 1-866-996-1526. M11

PREPARE FOR POWEROUTAGES TODAY with aGenerac Home Standby Generator.Act now to receive aFREE 5-Year warranty withqualifying purchase. Call1-855-465-7624 today toschedule a free quote. It’s notjust a generator. It’s a powermove. M11

SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensivelifetime warranty. Topof-the-line installation and service.Now featuring our FREEshower package and $1600 Offfor a limited time! Call today!Financing available. Call SafeStep 1-833-356-1954. M11

PREPARE FOR POWEROUTAGES TODAY with aGENERAC home standby generator$0 Down + Low MonthlyPmt with a free Quote – Callnow before the next power outage:1-855-948-6176. C11

BATH & SHOWER UPDATESin as little as 1 day!Affordable prices - No paymentsfor 18 months! Lifetimewarranty & professioanlinstalls. Senior & military discountsavailable. 1-877-543-9189. C11


SEASONED FIREWOOD,Cherry And Locust, $200.00 ACord. Williamsport Area, DeliveredLocally. 570-220-1383.189039

FIREWOOD. Red AndWhite Oak. Cut. Pick-Up OrDelivery. Discount For MultipleLoads. Call 570-220-5227.189045

FIREWOOD FOR SALE.Mixed Hardwoods, Cut 16” &18” Lengths. $200.00 A Cord.Delivery Available, Mill Hall.570-927-0587. 187874


WANTED REMINGTONMODELS 760 GameMaster,Model 6 And Model Sevens.570-295-9402. 188761


ATTENTION OXYGENTHERAPY USERS! InogenOne G4 is capable of full24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-929-9587. C11

DENTAL INSURANCE-Physicians Mutual InsuranceCompany. Covers 350procedures. Real insurance-nota discount plan. Get your freedental info kit! C11

STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULARDISEASE areleading causes of death, accordingto the American HeartAssociation. Screenings canprovide peace of mind or earlydetection! Contact Life LineScreening to schedule yourscreening. Special offer - 5screenings for just $149. Call1-866-518-8391. M11

DON’T LET THE STAIRSLIMIT YOUR MOBILITY!Discover the ideal solution foranyone who struggles on thestairs, is concerned about a fallor wants to regain access totheir entire home. Call Ameri-Glide today! 1-844-317-5246.M11

DENTAL INSURANCEfrom Physicians Mutual InsuranceCompany. Coveragefor 350 plus procedures. Realdental insurance - NOT justa discount plan. Do not wait!Call now! Get your FREE DentalInformation Kit with all thedetails! 1-877-553-1891 M11

MobileHelp, America’s premiermobile medical alert system.Whether you’re home oraway. For safety & peace ofmind. No long term contracts!Free brochure! 1-888-489-3936. C11

DON’T LET THE STAIRSLIMIT YOUR MOBILITY!Discover the ideal solution foranyone who struggles on thestairs, is concerned about a fallor wants to regain access totheir entire home. Call Ameri-Glide today! 1-833-399-3595.C11

WANTED TO BUYCALLAHAN’SANTIQUITIES381 Broad St.,Montoursville, PA.ALWAYS BUYINGQuality Antiques, Gold, SilverTop Prices Paid WithImmediate Payment.One Piece or Whole Estates.“Member of CertifiedAppraisers Guild of America”.Open Thursday, Friday, &Saturday11 a.m. to 5 p.m.570-368-2597.188748

BUYING RECORDS!!!Sonic Ascension RecordsIs Buying Albums And 45’s.Rock, Blues, Jazz,Punk & Metal.No Collection Too BigOr Small. Cash Paid OnThe Spot!Call 570-360-3486Or Find Us On Facebook.188885


WANTED: EXERCISEBIKE. 570-725-2868 Ext 0WE BUY BOOKS! Are YouCleaning Out Your Attic, StorageUnit, Old School Libraries?Don’t Throw Out Your OldBooks Before You Call. 570-725-2131. 189050

WANTED: BUYING VINTAGEDetective And ScienceFiction Paperbacks From The1950’s-1970’s. Also InterestedIn Pulp Magazine And HorrorMovies On VHS Tapes. 570-360-3486. 189200


NEEDED PART TIMEWAREHOUSE ASSISTANTin Jersey Shore/Avis area. FlexibleHours and only one Saturdaya month. Send resume to 189289

DEMOCRATIC CLUB230 EAST ST. WILLIAMSPORT.Hiring bartender andcook. Must be RAMP certifi ed.Must be able to work weekends.Salary will depend onexperience. Applications acceptedafter 3 pm daily. 189288


REPLACE YOUR ROOFwith the best looking and longestlasting material-steel fromErie Metal Roofs! 3 styles& multiple colors available.Guaranteed to last a lifetime!Limited Time Offer up to 50%off installation + Additional10% off install (military, health& 1st responders.) 1-833-370-1234. C11

RICHART’S FURNITUREREFINISHING AND REPAIRWe Make Spindles, WeFix Most Any Loose Chairs.We Also Paint Metal, 570-584-3215. 189043

DAY’S HOME IMPROVEMENT.Roofi ng To PoolsAnd Everything In Between.Free Estimates. 570-666-0081. 189175

WINDY HILL WINDOWSAND DOORS. Windows,Doors And Remodeling. 570-263-2510. 189166

REPLACE YOUR ROOFwith the best looking and longestlasting material-steel fromErie Metal Roofs! Three stylesand multiple colors available.Guaranteed to last a lifetime!Limited Time Offer -- up to50% off installation + Additional10% off install (formilitary, health workers & 1stresponders.) Call Erie MetalRoofs: 1-855-338-4807. M11

HOME BREAK-INS takeless than 60 seconds. Don’twait! Protect your family, yourhome, your assets now for aslittle as 70¢ a day! Call 855-401-1151. C11

ELIMINATE GUTTERCLEANING FOREVER! LeafFilter,the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection.Schedule a FREE LeafFilterestimate today. 20% off EntirePurchase. Plus 10% Senior &Military Discounts. Call 1-855-791-1626. M11

JACUZZI BATH REMODELcan install a new, custombath or shower in as little asone day. For a limited time,waiving ALL costs! (Additionalterms apply. Subject tochange and vary by dealer. Offerends 3/30/25) Call 1-844-826-2535. M11

WATER DAMAGECLEANUP & restoration: Asmall amount of water can leadto major damage and moldgrowth in your home. Our trustedprofessionals do completerepairs to protect your familyand your home’s value! Call24/7: 1-888-872-2809. C11

AGING ROOF? New Homeowner?Got Storm Damage?You need a local expert providerthat proudly stands behindtheir work. Fast, free estimate.Financing available. Call1-888-878-9091. C11

G & W SOUND. DJ MusicFor Any Occasion Small OrLarge. 570-220-5512

JACUZZI BATH REMODELcan install a new, custombath or shower in as little asone day. Limited times, we’rewaiving all installation costs!(Additional terms apply). Subjectto change and vary bydealer. Offer ends 6/30/24 Call1-844-501-3208. C11

BECOME A PUBLISHEDAUTHOR. We want to readyour book! Dorrance Publishingtrusted since 1920. Consultation,production, promotion& distribution. Call for freeauthor`s guide 1-877-729-1920or visit

ELIMINATE GUTTERCLEANING FOREVER!LeafFilter, the most AdvancedDebris-Blocking Protection.Schedule FREE LEAFFILTEREstimate today. 15% Off EntirePurchase. 10% Senior &Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936. C11

CLEANING AND HAULINGINSIDE AND OUT. WeWill Clean Up And Haul AwayYour Unwanted Items FromYour Yard, Attic, BasementAnd Garage. Reliable AndReasonable. Call Gary 570-244-1424 OR 570-321-9472.189167

BECOME A PUBLISHEDAUTHOR. We want to ReadYour Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by Authors Since1920 Book manuscript submissionscurrently being reviewed.Comprehensive Services:Consultation, Production, Promotionand Distribution Callfor Your Free Author`s Guide1-866-482-1576 or visit

WE TRANSFORM YOURKITCHEN IN LESS TIME,with less stress, at an amazingvalue. Since 1979, KitchenMagic, a family-owned businessoffering cabinet refacing,new cabinetry, and luxurycountertop throughout theNortheast. Call today for afree estimate 1-844-887-5145(PA017137) M11


FRUIT TREE PRUNINGFebruary-March. Free Estimates.570-998-2402. 188879


NO TIME TO CLEAN? IfYou Are Busy With Life AndCleaning Your House Is JustToo Much, Call Me And I WillTake Care Of It For You! YearsOf Experience And ReferencesToo. Call To Discuss RatesAnd Services 570-220-3664

NEED A CLEAN HOUSE?No Time? Call ME! I Will GetYour Home Looking Great SoYou Can Relax! Great Rates,References Available UponRequest. For An Estimate CallJoyce 570-238-1796.


INFLATION IS AT 40YEAR HIGHS. Interest ratesare way up. Credit Cards. MedicalBills. Car Loans. Do youhave $10k or more in debt?Call NATIONAL DEBT RELIEFand fi nd out how to payoff your debt for signifi cantlyless than what you owe! FREEquote: Call 1-866-272-0492.M11

WESLEY FINANCIALGROUP, LLC TimeshareCancellation Experts Over$50,000,000 in timeshare debt& fees cancelled in 2019. Getfree info package & learn howto get rid of your timeshare!Free consultations. Over 450positive reviews. 833-308-1971. C11


DIRECTV OVER INTERNET- Get your favorite liveTV, sports and local channels.99% signal reliability!CHOICE Package, $84.99/mofor 12 months. HBO Max andPremium Channels includedfor 3 mos (w/CHOICE Packageor higher.) No annual contract,no hidden fees! Some restrictionsapply. Call IVS 1-866-629-6086. M11

DIRECTV Stream - Carriesthe most local MLB Games!Choice Package $89.99/mo for12 mos Stream on 20 devices atonce. HBO Max included for3 mos (w/Choice Package orhigher.) No contract or hiddenfees! Some restrictions apply.Call IVS 1-866-859-0405. C11


WE BUY HOUSES AnyCondition/Any Situation. NoHassles, Quick Cash. Call 570-989-1938 . 188749WE BUY HOUSES for cashas is! No repairs. No fuss. Anycondition. Easy three step process:Call, get cash offer & getpaid. Get your fair cash offertoday by calling Liz BuysHouses: 1-844-877-5833. C11


2 BEDROOM LUXURYAPARTMENTS DowntownWilliamsport. Fully Furnished.All Utilities, Wi-Fi And ParkingIncluded. Private RooftopPatio Deck. All Linens AndKitchen Accessories Included.Flexible Leases. No Pets, NoSmoking. $1,400/Month. 570-916-3309. 189307

COMMERCIAL UNIT7,000 SQ. FT. STOREFRONT COMMERCIAL At4th And Diamond Street, Newberry.2 Bathrooms, $2,500.00Monthly. Gas Heat, Very ReasonableUtilities, Air Conditioned,Parking. 570-916-3309.189308


10 X 16. $75.00/Month. Call570-337-4994. 188750


A V A I L A B L E24’ X 30’ STORAGEUNIT – 8’x8’ roll-up door.$350.00 per month. AVAILABLEIMMEDIATELY.21’ x 23’ STORAGE/WORKSHOP, - 16’ roll-updoor, plus additional regularentrance door. Electric Included.$300.00/Month. AvailableFEBRUARY 1, 2025.16’ x 16’ STORAGEUNIT – 7’ x 9’roll-up dooras well as a regular entrancedoor. $200.00/Month.Electric Included. AvailableFEBRUARY 1, 2025.Units located off 220 nearSheetz in Linden. Call DawnCohen – Broker – SUNRISEREAL ESTATE & MANAGEMENTSERVICES –(570)651-9205. 188438


(2) BURIAL PLOTS TwinHills - Lycoming Mall Dr.Muncy. West Gateway Lawn(2 Traditional or 2 Traditional& 2 Cremation or 4 Cremation)$2,400 Each OBO. TransferFees Included (570) 337-8134.187157




NH 4835 TRACTOR$14,900.00. Also Do RepairsOn Engines, Transmissions,Etc. Burkholder’s EquipmentSales, LLC 814-720-8845.188906

KUBOTA BX2660 DieselWith Roof Mowing Deck,Power Angle Snow Plow,Front End Loader, Has FrontGuard. $15,000.00 OBO. 570-546-5407. 188906

VEHICLES WANTEDGET A BREAK ON YOURTAXES! Donate your car,truck, or SUV to assist blindand visually impaired. Arrangea swift, no-cost vehicle piclupand secure a generous tax creditfor 2025. Call Heritage forthe BlindddToday at 1-844-320-2804 today! M11

WANTED! MOTORCYCLES!ANTIQUE ANDCLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki,Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph,BSA, and other foreign models.$$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206 . M11

BUYING CLASSIC CARS,TRUCKS, SUVs **Americanand Foreign** Any Condition.Buying entire car collections.$$PAYING CA$H$$ Pleasecall 717-577-8206 . M11

DONATE YOUR CAR,TRUCK, boat, RV and moreto support our veterans! Schedulea FAST, FREE vehiclepickup and receive a top taxdeduction! Call Veteran CarDonations at 1-877-327-0686today! M11

DONATE YOUR CAR TOVETERANS TODAY! Helpand Support our Veterans. Fast- FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible.Call 1-800-245-0398.C11

ATTENTIONB & C Auto WreckersWill Now Pay Top Dollar ForYour Unwanted Cars,Trucks and Equipment.Licensed and ProfessionalService. Call For Details.570-547-1040.188751