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AKC SHIH TZU PUPPIES.1 Female, Sable With WhiteMarkings, 1 Black Male WithWhite Markings. Ready March9th. 570-692-1472. 189477

MINIATURE DACHSHUNDPUPPIES For Sale.Super Nice, Friendly AndReady For Their New Homes.2 Females, 1 Male, $695.00.Call 570-745-2286. 189466

2 REGISTERED BLACKLAB Puppies For Sale,$500.00. 570-547-6343.189473

MINI AUSTRALIANSHEPHERD Puppies. BlueMerles, Red Merles, Black,Tri’s With Blue Eyes. NiceColors. Nice And FriendlyPuppies. Call To Reserve YourPuppy 570-725-3103 Ext 3.189196

2 ADORABLE TWINIDENTICAL Friendly PuppiesFor Sale. Females PomeranianPoodles, $175.00Each OBO. Don’t Miss YourChance On These Cuties570-725-2099 Ext 0 . 189294

FREE GERMANSHORTHAIRED PointerPomski Cross Female Puppy.570-745-2285. 189462

MALSHIE PUPPIESWhite With Brown Markings,One Is Cream. DOBJan. 14th. Feel Free To ComeSee These Adorable LittleOnes And Reserve Yours Today.$500.00. 814-380-1854.189456


3 YEAR OLD Blue Merle,Australian Shepherd Female.Nice Farm Dog. Call ToMeet Her Today 570-725-3103 Ext 3 . 189195

FOR SALE 4 Year OldPug Female. Very Friendly,$500.00. Call 570-725-3570.189336


ROUND PENS ALL SIZES.Livestock Panels. ImmediateDelivery. 570-916-3309. 189468



THE ELIMSPORT CEMETERYASSOCIATIONWill Hold Its Yearly MeetingOn March 13, 2025 At 6pmAt The Elimsport MethodistChurch. 189330


NOTICE OF PUBLICSALE: The FollowingSelf-Storage Cube ContentsContaining Household andOther Goods Will Be Sold,For Cash, By CubeSmartAsset Management, LLC asAgent For Owner 300 LycomingMall Circle Suite 320Pennsdale, Pa. 17756, ToSatisfy A Lien On March 19,2025 At Approx. 3:00 PMAt Cube 1655 WesleyGottschall . 189337


MARY’S MARKET 9873Route 220 Jersey Shore.Buying Depression Glass.Come Check Us Out. Fall& Winter Hours, ThursdayThrough Sunday 10-5pm.570-259-1886. 189472

ADVERTISE your YardSale, Garage Sale, or RummageSale! Only $7.95 for5 lines! Contact Jaimie Today!!Call Webb Weeklyat (570) 326-9322 or


B&S ESTATE SALESNEXT SALE is at 50 WeaverSt Linden (Rt 220 to Firststreet, across from CWSKubota Sales) on Thurs (3/6)and Fri (3/7) from 8am to 6pmand Sat (3/8) from 8am to12noon. This is a packed estatewhich includes a rollingpin collection, butter bowls,cast iron, crocks, vintagetoys, old beer signs/steins/collectibles, Longabergerbaskets, Pyrex, sewing items,clothing, and more. We havea beautiful working HowardMiller grandfather clock, andother furniture pieces, as wellas appliances. The garage isfi lled with tools (both vintageand new) including threecraftsmen rolling toolboxes,a generator, large fl oorjacks, and over eighty feetof fi lled tables. The outsideand back porch have a picnictable, benches, large woodenswing set, ladders, spool table,plant hanging rack, lawnstatues, and more. Includedare around 100 feet of $1 tablesfrom the start. Come seeus for a great sale. Check outB&S Estate Sales on Facebookfor pictures. 189457


VENDOR SALE TheThird Street Church 931East Third Street, Williamsport.Saturday, March 15th,7:30AM - 2:00 PM. SeveralVendors! Hand-made Goods,Smoked Cheese, VintageCollectibles, DVD’s, Music,Jewelry, Toys, Sports Items,Trading Cards, Tools, ComicBooks, Much More! KitchenOpen All Day / Eat-in / TakeOut. Easy Access Parking.Rain, Shine Or Snow. (NORummage). Vendors ContactPastor Steve: 570-651-2281.189329


HESHBON PARKUNITED METHODISTCHURCH2898 Heshbon Road,Williamsport (Turn Off OfLycoming Creek Rd)Pastor Jane O’Borski.Worship 9AM,Sunday School 10:15 AM.188728

END TIMESEXPLAINED.Duboistown Church 133Summer Street. Sundays10am. “Rewards AndWrath” 717-813-3992.Chocolate Easter Eggs ForSale 570-322-5398. 189459

BETHANYEVANGELICALLUTHERAN CHURCHTraditional - LiturgicalWorship 9:00aSunday School 10:30aBible Studies:2nd and 4th Wed at 12p2nd and 4th Thur at 6p369 Broad St.,Montoursville570-368-8933BethanyLutheran.faith189328


EIGHT FOOT BLACKSUEDE Couch For Sale,$200.00. Please Text GeneAt 570-233-9827 To Inquire.189458

STRUGGLING TOHEAR? Audien Hearingdelivers crystal-clear soundwith affordable, invisiblehearing aids. Starting at$189! Call Now: 888-760-1015. C11

FOR SALE 2014 15” Viola(Easton-Eastmond). ConditionIs Like New, UsedOnce. Comes With HumidityControlled Case And LightedMusic Stand, $900.00. 570-447-4626. 189290

IBANEZ ALT 30 AcousticGuitar. Like New Condition,$225.00. Call 570-505-2371.189194


CONSUMER CELLULAR- same reliable, nationwidecoverage as the largest carriers.No long-term contract, nohidden fees free activation. Allplans feature unlimited talk &text, starting at just $20/mo.Call 1-877-305-1535. C11

METAL ROOFING &SIDING for Houses, Barns,Sheds, Liner. Closeouts,Returns, Seconds, Overruns,etc. Discount Prices.Made in Ephrata, PA. 717-445-5222. M11

PREPARE FOR POWEROUTAGES with Briggs &Stratton® PowerProtect(TM)standby generators - the mostpowerful home standby generatorsavailable. Industry-leadingcomprehensive warranty- 7 years ($849 value.) Proudlymade in the U.S.A. CallBriggs & Stratton 1-855-556-2581. M11

DO YOU KNOWWHAT’S IN YOUR WATER?Leaf Home WaterSolutions offers FREE watertesting and whole home watertreatment systems that canbe installed in as little as oneday. 15% off your entire purchase.Plus 10% senior andmilitary discounts. Restrictionsapply. Schedule yourFREE test today. Call 1-866-996-1526. M11

PREPARE FOR POWEROUTAGES TODAY with aGenerac Home Standby Generator.Act now to receive aFREE 5-Year warranty withqualifying purchase. Call1-855-465-7624 today toschedule a free quote. It’s notjust a generator. It’s a powermove. M11

SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensivelifetime warranty.Top-of-the-line installationand service. Now featuringour FREE shower packageand $1600 Off for a limitedtime! Call today! Financingavailable. Call Safe Step1-833-356-1954. M11

PREPARE FOR POWEROUTAGES TODAY witha GENERAC home standbygenerator $0 Down + LowMonthly Pmt with a freeQuote – Call now before thenext power outage: 1-855-948-6176. C11

BATH & SHOWER UPDATESin as little as 1 day!Affordable prices - No paymentsfor 18 months! Lifetimewarranty & professioanlinstalls. Senior & militarydiscounts available. 1-877-543-9189. C11


SEASONED FIREWOOD,Cherry And Locust, $200.00A Cord. Williamsport Area,Delivered Locally. 570-220-1383. 189039

FIREWOOD. Red AndWhite Oak. Cut. Pick-Up OrDelivery. Discount For MultipleLoads. Call 570-220-5227. 189045

FIREWOOD FOR SALE.Mixed Hardwoods, Cut 16” &18” Lengths. $200.00 A Cord.Delivery Available, Mill Hall.570-927-0587. 187874


ATTENTION OXYGENTHERAPY USERS! InogenOne G4 is capable of full24/7 oxygen delivery. Only2.8 pounds. Free info kit.Call 877-929-9587. C11

DENTAL INSURANCE-Physicians MutualInsurance Company. Covers350 procedures. Real insurance-not a discount plan.Get your free dental infokit! 1-855-526-1060 #6258.C11

STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULARDISEASEare leading causes of death,according to the AmericanHeart Association. Screeningscan provide peace ofmind or early detection!Contact Life Line Screeningto schedule your screening.Special offer - 5 screeningsfor just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391. M11

DON’T LET THESTAIRS LIMIT YOURMOBILITY! Discover theideal solution for anyone whostruggles on the stairs, is concernedabout a fall or wantsto regain access to their entirehome. Call AmeriGlidetoday! 1-844-317-5246. M11

DENTAL INSURANCEfrom Physicians Mutual InsuranceCompany. Coveragefor 350 plus procedures. Realdental insurance - NOT just adiscount plan. Do not wait!Call now! Get your FREEDental Information Kit withall the details! 1-877-553-1891 #6258. M11

MobileHelp, America’spremier mobile medicalalert system. Whether you’rehome or away. For safety &peace of mind. No long termcontracts! Free brochure!1-888-489-3936. C11

DON’T LET THESTAIRS LIMIT YOURMOBILITY! Discover theideal solution for anyone whostruggles on the stairs, is concernedabout a fall or wantsto regain access to their entirehome. Call AmeriGlidetoday! 1-833-399-3595. C11


CALLAHAN’SANTIQUITIES381 Broad St., Montoursville,PA.ALWAYS BUYINGQuality Antiques, Gold,SilverTop Prices Paid WithImmediate Payment.One Piece or Whole Estates.“Member of Certified AppraisersGuild of America”.Open Thursday, Friday, &Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.570-368-2597.189312

BUYING RECORDS!!!Sonic Ascension RecordsIs Buying Albums And 45’s.Rock, Blues, Jazz,Punk & Metal.No Collection Too Big OrSmall. Cash Paid On TheSpot!Call 570-360-3486Or Find Us On Facebook.188885


WANTED: BUYINGVINTAGE Detective AndScience Fiction PaperbacksFrom The 1950’s-1970’s.Also Interested In Pulp MagazineAnd Horror Movies OnVHS Tapes. 570-360-3486.189200

WANTED: EXERCISEBIKE. 570-725-2868 Ext 0


NEEDED PART TIMEWAREHOUSE ASSISTANTin Jersey Shore/Avisarea. Flexible Hours and onlyone Saturday a month. Sendresume to 189289

FORKLIFT OPERATORNEEDED Prior forklift experience/certification preferredbut not required. 40hours per week; with opportunityfor overtime. Pay: negotiabledepending on experience;plus benefits. Must be18+ to apply. Apply to: LewisLumber Products, LLCP.O. Box 356 Picture Rocks,PA 17762-0356. 189471


YARD PERSON NEEDED.Not Just To Cut TheGrass. Mulch, Trim Bushes,Leaf Blowing, Yard Maintenance.My EquipmentAvailable But Yours ( AndA Trailer) Helpful. ExperienceA Must. March-OctoberWeekly, As Needed. 4-5Hours. Call Dot At 570-327-1051. 189464


NUISSANCE RABBITS?The Lycoming Co. BeagleClub is permitted by the PAGame Commission to livetrap and relocate rabbits.We are a No kill / Free roamclub. If you need rabbitstrapped and relocated contactKim Rager 570-584-0128


WALLPAPER INSTALLER.Want The DesignerLook, But Don’t Want TheStress Of Hanging That Paper,Call Me. Experienced.Donna 484-955-8229.189475

REPLACE YOUR ROOFwith the best looking andlongest lasting material-steelfrom Erie Metal Roofs! 3styles & multiple colorsavailable. Guaranteed to lasta lifetime! Limited Time Offerup to 50% off installation+ Additional 10% off install(military, health & 1st responders.)1-833-370-1234.C11

DAY’S HOME IMPROVEMENT.Roofing ToPools And Everything In Between.Free Estimates. 570-666-0081 . 189175

RICHART’S FURNITUREREFINISHINGAND REPAIR We MakeSpindles, We Fix Most AnyLoose Chairs. We AlsoPaint Metal, 570-584-3215.189043

WINDY HILL WINDOWSAND DOORS. Windows,Doors And Remodeling.570-263-2510. 189166

REPLACE YOUR ROOFwith the best looking andlongest lasting material-steelfrom Erie Metal Roofs!Three styles and multiplecolors available. Guaranteedto last a lifetime! LimitedTime Offer -- up to 50%off installation + Additional10% off install (for military,health workers & 1stresponders.) Call Erie MetalRoofs: 1-855-338-4807. M11

ELIMINATE GUTTERCLEANING FOREVER!LeafFilter, the mostadvanced debris-blockinggutter protection. Schedulea FREE LeafFilter estimatetoday. 20% off Entire Purchase.Plus 10% Senior &Military Discounts. Call1-855-791-1626. M11

JACUZZI BATH REMODELcan install a new,custom bath or shower inas little as one day. For alimited time, waiving ALLcosts! (Additional terms apply.Subject to change andvary by dealer. Offer ends3/30/25) Call 1-844-826-2535. M11

HOME BREAK-INS takeless than 60 seconds. Don’twait! Protect your family,your home, your assets nowfor as little as 70¢ a day! Call855-401-1151. C11

G & W SOUND. DJ MusicFor Any Occasion Small OrLarge. 570-220-5512

WATER DAMAGECLEANUP & restoration:A small amount of water canlead to major damage andmold growth in your home.Our trusted professionals docomplete repairs to protectyour family and your home’svalue! Call 24/7: 1-888-872-2809. C11

JACUZZI BATH REMODELcan install a new,custom bath or shower inas little as one day. Limitedtimes, we’re waiving allinstallation costs! (Additionalterms apply). Subjectto change and vary by dealer.Offer ends 6/30/24 Call1-844-501-3208. C11

AGING ROOF? NewHomeowner? Got StormDamage? You need a localexpert provider that proudlystands behind their work.Fast, free estimate. Financingavailable. Call 1-888-878-9091. C11 BECOME APUBLISHED AUTHOR.We want to read your book!Dorrance Publishing trustedsince 1920. Consultation,production, promotion &distribution. Call for free author`s guide 1-877-729-1920or visit

ELIMINATE GUTTERCLEANING FOREVER!LeafFilter, the most AdvancedDebris-Blocking Protection.Schedule FREE LEAFFILTEREstimate today.15% Off Entire Purchase.10% Senior & Military Discounts.Call 1-833-610-1936.C11

CLEANING AND HAULINGINSIDE AND OUT.We Will Clean Up And HaulAway Your Unwanted ItemsFrom Your Yard, Attic,Basement And Garage. ReliableAnd Reasonable. CallGary 570-244-1424 OR 570-321-9472. 189167

BECOME A PUBLISHEDAUTHOR. We want to ReadYour Book! Dorrance Publishing-Trusted by AuthorsSince 1920 Book manuscriptsubmissions currently beingreviewed. ComprehensiveServices: Consultation, Production,Promotion and DistributionCall for Your FreeAuthor`s Guide 1-866-482-1576 or visit M11

WE TRANSFORM YOURKITCHEN IN LESS TIME,with less stress, at an amazingvalue. Since 1979, KitchenMagic, a family-ownedbusiness offering cabinetrefacing, new cabinetry, andluxury countertop throughoutthe Northeast. Call today fora free estimate 1-844-887-5145 (PA017137) M11


RICHARD’S LAWNCARE AND LANDSCAPING.Mulching, Mowing,Trimming, Retaining Walls,Spring Cleanup. PA064570.570-772-1588 . 189454


NO TIME TO CLEAN?If You Are Busy With LifeAnd Cleaning Your House IsJust Too Much, Call Me AndI Will Take Care Of It ForYou! Years Of ExperienceAnd References Too. Call ToDiscuss Rates And Services570-220-3664

NEED A CLEANHOUSE? No Time? CallME! I Will Get Your HomeLooking Great So You CanRelax! Great Rates, ReferencesAvailable Upon Request.For An Estimate CallJoyce 570-238-1796.


INFLATION IS AT 40YEAR HIGHS. Interestrates are way up. CreditCards. Medical Bills. CarLoans. Do you have $10k ormore in debt? Call NATIONALDEBT RELIEF and findout how to pay off your debtfor signifi cantly less thanwhat you owe! FREE quote:Call 1-866-272-0492. M11

WESLEY FINANCIALGROUP, LLC TimeshareCancellation Experts Over$50,000,000 in timesharedebt & fees cancelled in2019. Get free info package& learn how to get rid ofyour timeshare! Free consultations.Over 450 positivereviews. 833-308-1971. C11


DIRECTV OVER INTERNET- Get your favoritelive TV, sports and localchannels. 99% signal reliability!CHOICE Package,$84.99/mo for 12 months.HBO Max and PremiumChannels included for 3 mos(w/CHOICE Package orhigher.) No annual contract,no hidden fees! Some restrictionsapply. Call IVS 1-866-629-6086. M11

DIRECTV Stream - Carriesthe most local MLBGames! Choice Package$89.99/mo for 12 mos Streamon 20 devices at once. HBOMax included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher.)No contract or hidden fees!Some restrictions apply. CallIVS 1-866-859-0405. C11


WE BUY HOUSES AnyCondition/Any Situation. NoHassles, Quick Cash. Call570-989-1938 . 189313

3 ACRES PRIVATEMountain Ground Small Cabin/Camp, Ongoing ProjectUnder Roof. Trails ThroughoutProperty. Could Be FutureHome Site. $39,900.00Outside Woolrich, ClintonCounty. Serious Only Calls570-295-4033 Leave Message.189465

WE BUY HOUSES forcash as is! No repairs. Nofuss. Any condition. Easythree step process: Call, getcash offer & get paid. Getyour fair cash offer todayby calling Liz Buys Houses:1-844-877-5833. C11


2 BEDROOM LUXURYAPARTMENTS DowntownWilliamsport. FullyFurnished. All Utilities, Wi-Fi And Parking Included.Private Rooftop Patio Deck.All Linens And Kitchen AccessoriesIncluded. FlexibleLeases. No Pets, No Smoking.$1,400/Month. 570-916-3309. 189469


7,000 SQ. FT. STOREFRONT COMMERCIALAt 4th And Diamond Street,Newberry. 2 Bathrooms,$2,500.00 Monthly. GasHeat, Very Reasonable Utilities,Air Conditioned, Parking.570-916-3309. 189470


10 X 16. $75.00/Month.Call 570-337-4994. 189314




IH 686 TRACTOR$8,500.00. Also Do RepairsOn Engines, Transmissions,Etc. Burkholder’s EquipmentSales, LLC Turbotville. 814-720-8845. 189449


ANTIQUE CAR 1991Grand Marquis LS.130,000 Miles, Works Fine.Rebuilt Transmission, NewMichelin Tires. No Rust, PerfectBody. No AC, Heat LineWorks Ok. V8 Engine ThatUses No Oil. Stored Inside,Will Pass Inspection. PriceNegotiable. 570-546-5548.189309


1990 FORD FLEET Motorhome,30 Foot Long. Asking$700.00 As Is. 570-326-3418. 189332


GET A BREAK ONYOUR TAXES! Donateyour car, truck, or SUV toassist blind and visually impaired.Arrange a swift, nocostvehicle piclup and securea generous tax credit for2025. Call Heritage for theBlindddToday at 1-844-320-2804 today! M11

WANTED! MOTORCYCLES!ANTIQUE ANDCLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki,Suzuki, Yamaha,Triumph, BSA, and otherforeign models. $$PAYINGCA$H$$ M11

BUYING CLASSICCARS, TRUCKS, SUVs**American and Foreign**Any Condition. Buying entirecar collections. $$PAYINGCA$H$$ Please call 717-577-8206 . M11

DONATE YOUR CAR,TRUCK, boat, RV and moreto support our veterans!Schedule a FAST, FREE vehiclepickup and receive a toptax deduction! Call VeteranCar Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today! M11

ATTENTIONB & C Auto WreckersWill Now Pay Top DollarForYour Unwanted Cars,Trucks and Equipment.Licensed and ProfessionalService. Call For Details.570-547-1040.189315