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Williamsport Sun: March 18, 1930 – Williamsport is Considered Fine Circus Locality

“Heavy circus movement in both the Midwest and east this summer,” says Leon Ramsdell, press representative for Rajah Rabold, Keystone Theater attraction, and who visited Williamsport last summer in advance with the Sofie-Floto Circus with Tom Mix.

According to routes laid down by various railroad offices, the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York will be played heavily for circuses the first half of the new season. At one time there will be no less than four circuses in this neighborhood within one hundred miles of each other. These four shows have arranged for more than 48 moves right in this portion of the state.

Ramsdell said, “with a close study of prosperous conditions by circus officials and every circus hastening this way it looks to me that Williamsport must be the heyday of good times, for believe it or not, even the smaller tented will not wend its way unless things are bright and rosy.

“Last year when we played here, Williamsport was one of the best stands of the season. It has always been known as a good circus town and in the winter when routes are laid out the showmen puts his finger on Williamsport and works in the vicinity of it if finds that opposition will not actually allow him to play it.

“There are many automobile circuses out there this season and it is possible that Williamsport may see two to three of the motor circuses.”