Cue the birds chirping, the sun shining, and the flowers showing off — spring has officially arrived! After what felt like an endless winter (seriously, did January have 74 days?), we can finally ditch the heavy coats and say hello to warmer, brighter days. I heard the first mourning dove while walking my dog the other morning. If that ain’t a sign of spring, I don’t know what is.
Goodbye, Gloom. Hello, Sunshine!
Is there anything better than that first day of spring when you step outside and realize you don’t need eleventy-billon layers to survive? The sun is hanging out a little longer, the air smells fresh, and suddenly, everything feels just a little bit happier. It’s like the whole world took a deep breath and decided to chill.
Let’s talk about the real MVP of spring: the colors! One minute, everything is dull and gray, and the next, BOOM—flowers are blooming, trees are waking up, and the grass actually looks green again. Mother Nature is back from her winter nap, and she’s looking fabulous.
Longer days mean more time to enjoy the little things — like after-dinner walks, sitting on the porch with a coffee (or a margarita, we don’t judge), and finally getting some much-needed Vitamin D. Plus, let’s be real, everything just feels more exciting when the sun is still up at 7 p.m.
Spring has that “new year, new me” energy — but without the pressure. It’s the perfect time to shake off the winter blues, clean out the closet, and start fresh. Maybe you’ll plant a garden, try a new hobby, or just make it your mission to spend more time outside. Whatever it is, spring is all about good vibes and fresh starts.
Remember how we all basically hibernated all winter? Yeah, it’s time to make up for that. Whether it’s a picnic, a hike, or just rolling the windows down on a drive, spring practically begs us to go outside and enjoy it. Even just opening the windows and letting in that crisp spring air makes everything feel better.
And, of course, we can’t talk about spring without talking about the West Branch Builders Home Show! It’s not just an event, it’s a tradition that marks the beginning of spring for many of us. With its unique blend of home improvement ideas, family-friendly activities, and exciting giveaways, the Home Show is an experience you don’t want to miss!
The Builders are back at the Liberty Arena again this year, and I love that for them. The Arena’s central location and spacious layout make it a perfect spot for the Home Show. It’s a place where you can spend the whole day with your family, exploring the booths, enjoying a meal, and having fun at Kaos or laser tag, or maybe jump at FlyWorld!
And, of course, it’s an excellent opportunity to get started on all those projects you have been plotting all cold, dark, dreary winter long.
Please be sure to stop by and see the Webb crew all weekend. I do believe I will be there on Saturday morning, so pop by and say hi! And be sure to register to win our Grill Package Giveaway! The package includes a grill from Elery Nau (fully assembled, with a propane tank), along with gift cards to Rupert’s and Frosty Beverage. We’ll (and by “we,” I mean Jimmy and/or Charlie) will even deliver it to you!
Lou has all the Home Show details for you on page 34. Page 31 lists all the vendors that will be attending the show so you can plan ahead, and if you are feeling really frisky, there is a map of the booths on page 32 so you can even plot your plan of attack in the most efficient manner possible!
So, here’s to spring — the season of sunshine, fresh air, and feeling alive again. Let’s soak it in, enjoy the little things, and make the most of every beautiful, flower-filled day.
Welcome back, spring. We missed you.