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YMCA, Adams’s Closet Helps Clothe Job Seekers

Imagine finally getting the call you have been waiting for. A life-changing call, perhaps. You finally have an interview for a big job. You’re super excited to get back on your feet or to make a big change. There is just one problem, however, you do not have anything acceptable to wear. To most people, this might seem like an easy fix. Simply go to a department store and pick up something or, better yet, go get something fitted from a more up-scale clothing store.

The issue is that for many job seekers, going out and buying a new outfit is an insurmountable obstacle. Spending money on new dress clothes simply isn’t an option. At best, a person in this situation goes to an interview, is embarrassed, and most likely makes a poor first impression. At worst, they become discouraged and don’t bother going to the interview at all.

Thanks to the generous donations of local community members and organizations, the Williamsport YMCA has stepped up to help. On Saturday, March 1st, the YMCA held the grand opening of Adam’s Closet. The dedication of the space at the Williamsport YMCA branch was intended to help those in need of workout clothes, business attire, toiletries, and various everyday items.

“This idea was formed after one of our gym regulars graduated from college and went for their first job interview,” said Nikki Fiel, Wellness Director of the Williamsport YMCA. “This individual needed some professional attire, and, with the help of the Williamsport YMCA staff and members, they were able to polish him up for his interview. But this brought to light a need in the area where those who may want to better themselves with a new job, start working out, or are just a little down on their luck may need a few things from time to time.”

Why Adam’s Closet?

Adam Diggan was a Military Veteran and Small Business owner here in Williamsport. He Loved the outdoors and helping others find their way in life. Adam sadly lost his long battle with cancer last spring, but his memory lives on through the generosity of the community. Starting in a small closet that was donated by H2 Health and Scott Border, Adam’s Closet has expanded. “With help from Adam’s family, the Williamsport YMCA is excited to open an even bigger area that can help even more people,” said Fiel. “I feel the message of Adam’s Closet isn’t that it’s a handout. It’s a hand-up, helping those who need that little boost to help better themselves and their life situation. Whether it’s with a new job or clothing to work out, it’s a place to grab some essentials for life — it’s there. Also, there are no questions; there are no requirements. It’s community, helping community, and that is why the YMCA is here. All these donations have come from our members, staff, and local businesses. Range Resources has donated personal care items, Wegmans has donated grab-and-go snacks, and Elite Feet and the Diggan Family have donated racks and hangers. It’s coming together for a greater purpose. Also, we will have a resource handout available if those we help need a little more than what we can offer.”

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Wellness Director Nikki Fiel at 570-323-7134 ext. 174 or or stop by the Williamsport YMCA, located at 641 Walnut Street in Williamsport.