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Williamsport Sun: December 13, 1933 – Discuss Steps for Recount of All Votes

It was learned from a reliable source this afternoon that a group of five persons described as being businessmen, held a meeting this morning to discuss having possible action to have a full recount of all votes cast in city districts in the November 7 election.

This group is understood to have discussed all of the errors that have been uncovered by the special computing board in their work thus far. These errors have acted as a spur to the group, causing to discuss election practices and consider a full recount of the city vote. It is further understood that the group plans to send a representative before the court to secure a full recount of all the votes cast at all the city polling places for all the candidates.

The special computing board appointed by the court to recount all the votes cast at the November 7 election in various districts in the city began a recount this morning began a count of the Second Precinct of the Eighth Ward.

The records in the county commissioners’ office show a total of 618 votes were cast in this district, it was announced by the John A Wilhelm faction this morning, which is contesting the election of Frank W. Henninger to city council, that a petition is being circulated asking for a recount of the First Precinct of the 10th Ward.

Up until today the special computing board has completed recounting in the 15th, Second and Third Wards and this morning they were counting the results from the Second Precinct of the Eighth Ward.