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Williamsport Sun: September 24, 1952 – Courthouse Clock gets Long Rest Over Weekend

The caretaker of the tower clock at the Courthouse forgot to wind it last Thursday, subsequently it stopped late Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.

Motorists and pedestrians in the vicinity of the Court House over the weekend, and particularly sales personnel of downtown stores looked twice, and then again as they hurried to their assignments, many bewildered by the “8:55.”

The clock was not on daylight time but was run on standard time. Those in charge decided to wait to start the clock until 9 o’clock this morning, the time showing on the faces when it stopped.

The clock, installed in 1874, is of the weight type and is wound every Thursday by two employees. It takes about 15 minutes to do the job.

In winding the crank of the clock, it must be turned 25 times and that of the striker 156 times.

The weight when the striker is down extends through the wall partition to the county commissioners office on the first floor, while the clock weights extend to the second floor.

Consequently, when the clock is wound along with the striker the weights which are quite heavy are drawn to a position near the clock tower.

While caretakers of the clock look after the winding of the clock, repairs to the mechanism are taken care of through the county commissioners by a jeweler.