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Gazette and Bulletin: July 12, 1924 – Interference With Fire Apparatus

Fire discovered shortly after five o’clock yesterday afternoon in a stockroom in the rear of the Hayes Drug Company, at 733 West Third Street, caused damage amounting to $50. Fire companies 1, 2, 3, 4 and the truck company were called to the scene on three alarms.

The cause of the blaze is not certain, although it may have originated from an oil stove in the stock room. When it was first discovered, Company 4, a few doors above the store, on the opposite side of the street, was called out on a still alarm. When the blaze was found to gaining headway, reaching the second floor of the two-story structure, Company 3 from called upon to help. A district alarm then followed at 5:10 o’clock.

Evidently, it is becoming widely known that fire apparatus, at least on the streets of Williamsport has no more rights or privileges than any other machine. Conditions have reached the stage where the driver of fire apparatus is given no more consideration than is given the driver of an ordinary motor car, indeed it seems to worry some truck drivers and operators of passenger cars very little whether the progress of a fire apparatus is impeded or not.

Examples of this were to be found yesterday afternoon while fire companies were on their way to the Hayes Drug Company, it was not heavy traffic that delayed several of the fire machines but the actions of indifferent motorists who belong to that class which seems to find sport in continuing into the path of an oncoming machine — approaching intersections and even forcing a piece of apparatus to slow while trucks backed into and out of various establishments, as was done in one instance in front of one West Third Street garage.