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Gazette and Bulletin: July 16, 1935 – Picnics During Past Weekend Attract Hundreds of Persons

A large number of residents of Williamsport, and the vicinity, enjoyed picnics during the past weekend. Perhaps the largest gatherings being those of St. John’s Lutheran Sunday School and the Williamsport Silk Company, at Memorial Park, the outing of relief workers at Camp Kline, and the picnic and reunion of the Class of 1926 of the Williamsport High School at Waterdale.

More than 140 workers of the emergency relief staffs of Lycoming, Clinton and Tioga counties attended an outing at Camp Kline on Saturday. A program of games, dances and swimming was enjoyed during the afternoon and a luncheon served at 6 o’clock in the evening.

A number of out-of-towners and local residents enjoyed the reunion and picnic of the Class of 1926 of Williamsport High School which was held yesterday afternoon at Waterdale. The program carried out as previously announced with the exception of the scheduled speeches included informal talks by members and announcements regarding the class’s status.

About 100 persons were present for the buffet supper, which was served at 5 o’clock, many of them coming from New York, Philadelphia and Connecticut. Lt. Raymond Millener, who had been stationed with the U.S. Army in Panama and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Milliner of 706 Campbell Street.

About 700 persons attended the picnic of the Williamsport Silk Company which was held Saturday at Memorial Park. Luncheon was served at noon and a program of sports, dancing and games followed. Howard Shooter was general chairman of arrangements for the event.

Mrs. Walter Fullmer of Garden View was in charge of the arrangements for the outing of the St. John’s Lutheran Church Sunday School, which attracted between 250 and 300 persons to the park.