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Gazette and Bulletin: July 6, 1898 – Why Not Celebrate? Prepare for a Big Demonstration

When the confirmation of the news of the destruction of the Spanish fleet in Cuban waters came on the night of the Fourth of July there was a disposition to get up an impromptu celebration. A movement was organized but no band could be acquired for the event, and a celebration without music is seldom a success. For this reason, the idea was given up, but those who felt so disposed celebrated individually.

It may be a little late to celebrate the naval victory at Santiago, but the fall of that city is imminent and there is just enough time to make hasty preparations. The victory of Sampson’s fleet and the expected fall of Santiago can be celebrated at the same time. It would not cost much to obtain a band and purchase fireworks, and the money for this purpose could be collected within a few hours.

A parade of city and county officials and civic organizations and citizens could be formed and a short march through the principal streets, bonfire and open-air speaking should be organized. Nearby towns are arranging for such an event and Williamsport should not be among the last to show such sentiments. The fall of Santiago means the beginning of the end of the war.

Who will start the movement? It would be proper for the Mayor and the Presidents of Councils to take hold.