Latest Issue

Happy Spring!

It’s funny how we associate different events with different parts of life. For me, the Little League World Series marks the beginning of the end of summer. And the West Branch Builder’s Home Show is the unofficial kick-off to spring.

I always look forward to spending a couple of hours at the show each year. It’s always nice to hear people’s thoughts, ideas, and opinions on the paper.

As usual, we are doing a giveaway, so stop by to register to win an amazing grilling package! We are giving away a grill from Elery Nau Hardware, and to make sure you can start using the grill right away, we are also throwing in a $50 gift card to Rupert’s Specialty Meats, and a $50 gift card to Frosty Beverage so you can grab some steaks, burgers, chicken, or whatever else suits you to grill, and something cold to drink with it! You can find us at Booth #79. And remember this year, the show will be held at the former Dick’s Sporting Goods at the (former?) Lycoming Mall.

If you’ve never been to the Home Show, you have to come check it out! There are over 120 vendors this year that are ready and willing to help you with all of your home improvement projects. The board and committee members at the WBSBA have been working hard all year to make the show successful.

Be sure to flip the page and check out Lou’s story with all the details.

This week also marks the 2nd week of our Easter Contest. I’ve gotta tell you, I love these contests so much! They are so much fun to do, and I love picking out what I am going to ‘hide’ each year for Easter and Halloween. And I love going shopping for all the goodies for the kids. The parents may hate me a little, but it’s worth it! All the details for the contest are on page X — be sure to count all the little bunny friends and enter our contest!

It’s a busy week around the Webb office, as this week is also our Spring Fishing, Hunting, and Outdoors special section. Trout season kicks off this weekend, and on pages xx-xx, we have everything you could need (and all the things you want) for a successful spring fishing and hunting season! Ken Hunter and Jon Pries are also there to provide some tips on how to catch that trout or call that turkey into range.

It seems as though Mother Nature has started hinting at warmer weather ahead. And that has me looking at spring projects. I have an area off my back patio that could use some love. It gets a lot of traffic due to my dog coming in and out, so I’m trying to devise a solution for that area that can hold up to the traffic but also look pretty.

In doing some research, creeping thyme may be the answer I am looking for. It is drought-resistant, can withstand foot traffic, is great for pollinators, likes full sun, smells fantastic, and — yes — is pretty! I figure I can plant that and add a few pavers, and we should be all set for a beautiful area and a good place for Bulleit to get in and out of the house. I have a pretty backyard and look forward to warm nights watching the deer pass through while I read by the fire.

As you can tell, I’m pretty happy about spring’s arrival. We had a pretty mild winter, but I’m really excited about moving onto spring — warmer weather, pretty flowers, longer nights — it’s time for a new season!