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Gazette and Bulletin: March 19, 1912 – The Big Show Opened Most Successfully

The first annual Williamsport Automobile Show opened last evening in the Twelfth Regiment Armory on Pine Street. Several thousand people gathered for the opening night. There are automobiles of different types on the floor, all polished to the highest possible degree and they alone form an attraction sufficiently interesting to call anyone to the show.

The interior of the armory is handsomely decorated with flags, bunting, and electric lights of many colors. From the steel girders above is suspended bunting in an elaborate manner, ranging color from red, white and blue, to green and other attractive shades. So cleverly is this material hung that it forms a canopy above that is almost bewildering.

On the floor are the exhibits of the various automobile agents. Each exhibit is attended by several expert representatives from the factories where the cars were made, in addition to the local salesmen from the local automobile garages, all of whom are waiting to tell you wherein their cars surpass the car next door, or how many good points their cars have in addition to those of the other fellows whose exhibits are there too. In fact, there is a most wonderful rivalry existing between these men who stand about the cars and talk to at the very first opportunity when they have an idea that you are there to talk automobile.