
Latest Issue

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Y’all! It’s that time of year again. My list of everything I am thankful for this year! As you join friends and family this Thanksgiving, take a moment to remember all the things you have to be thankful for this year. Times get tough, but there is always a bright side and listing them out often makes the bad seem a little better. There is a lot going to on the be less than thankful for (looking at you heating oil and grocery prices), but that’s all the more reason to remember what you are thankful for this year!

– Steve and Kiddo. Y’all make every day an adventure and I can’t tell you how much I love and appreciate you both. <3

– Bulleit – my happy pupperface who just loves to love his family. I know things kinda suck for you right now, but I promise, we’ll get you fixed up ASAP!

– Tacocat – my constant companion and nighttime heater.

– Remmington – You are standoffish and adorable and I love you to bits! – Dr. Chonkers II, the Revenge of Doctor Chonkers – because if you don’t give your fish a ridiculous name, why bother.

– A comfy couch and fluffy blankets.

– Good night scritches.

– Reading.

– Kindle Unlimited, to make all those books I read a bit more affordable!

– Sirius XM radio, for always keeping me entertained when I need it.

– Friday Night Dinners with my family and the Riepstine’s Crew.

– Infinitely entertaining Sub-Reddits.

– A good internet connection.

– The ever-evolving list of nicknames for all the people and animals in our home.

– RSVP Pens, because they are the best.

– Coffee.

– Gnocchi and homemade sauce.

– Tuesdays, because it is new book release day.

– Funny cat videos.

– Tik Toks that make me giggle.

– When a recipe turns out exactly like it is supposed to.

– Doritos.

– Roller grill food from 7-11.

– Books on pre-order. I love a morning new book surprise.

– Finally getting my curls under some semblance of control.

– Finding a really great foundation in just the right shade.

– That Alexa is always ready to tell us what we should be doing every morning.

– My Dutch oven.

– Coffee. Please don’t underestimate how much I enjoy it.

– Good bourbon and craft beer.

– Finding new places to enjoy good bourbon and craft beer.

– Rollercoasters with my boys.

– My health.

– The roof over my head.

– The food in my fridge.

– Comfy beds and feather pillows.

– Cuddl Duds sheets.

– The warm clothes in my closet.

– Living in a small community that cares about each other.

– A job that lets me write ridiculous Thanksgiving lists.

– The brave men and women, past and present, for defending our freedom. Without their hard work and sacrifice, very little of this list would be possible. As always, Webb Weekly’s success is dependent on small businesses, so, don’t forget that Saturday is Small Business Saturday. Please go out and patronize your local businesses. Successful local business leads to successful communities. Everyone wins when you support local business! This is probably more important than ever this year! Did I mention coffee? One last, last thing. Don’t forget the Blaise Alexander Christmas Fun Coloring Contest starts this week! Check out pages 18 and 19 for the details and coloring pages. If you need some gift ideas, please be sure to check out our Holiday Gift Guide in this issue!

– Also, coffee.