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Giving Thanks this Memorial Day

Once known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a time to honor and remember the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military. Flags will be lowered, red, white, and blue flowers planted, and prayers will be said to honor those brave souls that are true American heroes.

While all of these acts are fine ways to show respect, how can any American citizen begin to thank someone that gave their life in the name of freedom?

We live in the greatest country on earth where everyone is equal and has freedom of speech and the right to protest and worship without prosecution.

How do you say thank you for all that?

All too often, many Americans forget freedom isn’t free; it comes with a hefty price tag for the brave individuals that defend our country.

I never knew Lance Cpl. Abram Howard; however, I often think about his bravery and compassion while crossing the Susquehanna on the bridge that bears his name,

The Lance Cpl. Abram L. Howard Memorial Bridge.

Howard, a 2007 graduate of the Williamsport High School, was killed in July 2010 in Afghanistan when the vehicle in which he was traveling hit a roadside bomb.

It’s said Howard shielded his fellow Marines and, in the process, saved many lives.

The amount of courage and bravery this young man had is the reason why America will always remain the land of the free and home of the brave.

As if the sacrifices our veterans make were not enough, military families must also deal with the stress and concern for their loved one’s safety in uncertain situations and being deployed to parts of the world where Americans are despised.

There are no words strong enough to properly show one’s gratitude to our veterans and their families.

Instead of words, perhaps we need to show our gratitude in actions.

Show the utmost respect to our veterans and thank them for their service.

Have respect and kindness for all members of the community.

Proudly display the American flag outside your home. Help others when you can, even if it’s something as simple as holding a door open for someone. Learn the words to our National Anthem and proudly stand when it is played.

Do your part in making the community a better place. Most of all, never forget the sacrifices our veterans and their families have made for our country and freedom.