Williamsport club women made their first definite move last night to enlist themselves in the cause of women’s suffrage. The organization of the nucleus of a committee, which will disseminate suffrage sentiment and make plans for holding a big women’s mass meeting sometime within the next six weeks, was effected under the direction and chairmanship of Miss Mary Bakewell of Pittsburgh, a vice president of the State Suffrage Association of this state.
Miss Bakewell spoke to the Clio Club and many friends yesterday afternoon of Women’s Suffrage and the close of her address asked that as many women as were in sufficient sympathy with the cause to desire a local working organization, meet with her again in the Clio room at 7:30 o’clock. At that hour 16 women appeared, and the entire number became a committee which will seek to interest others.
Officers of the committee were elected as follows: Chairman, Miss Mary Elizabeth Crocker, vice chairman, Miss Anna Gilmore, secretary, Miss Clara F. Sebring, treasurer, Mrs. John C. Reading. The others on the committee include Mrs. Robert Fleming Allen, Misses Gertrude Roos, Mildred Maynard, Ann Doebler, Emily Ebling, Henrietta Lyon, Mrs. Newton Chatham, Mrs. Robert F. Gibson, Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs. Howard Cheney, Mrs. Perry Myers and Mrs. W.B. Lightner.
The committee under Miss Crocker’s leadership will hasten to find out the sentiment of many other club women and non-club women of the city in regard to suffrage and at once enlist their interest in the calling of a mass public meeting.