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Water Safety this Summer

Water Safety this Summer

Parents, do you plan on boating, kayaking or canoeing with your family this summer? If so, please follow these safety tips from Safe Kids Worldwide:

Wear life jackets. Have everyone wear a life jacket approved by the U.S. Coast Guard while on boats, around open bodies of water, or when participating in water sports. Make sure the life jacket fits snugly. Have the child make a “touchdown” signal by raising both arms straight up; if the life jacket hits the child’s chin or ears, it may be too big, or the straps may be too loose.

Don’t drink and drive. A large portion of boating crashes each year involve alcohol consumption by boat operators and/or passengers. To keep you and your loved ones safe, it is strongly recommended not to drink alcoholic beverages while boating.

Educate your children about swimming safety. Teach children that swimming in open bodies of water is not the same as swimming in a pool. They need to be aware of uneven surfaces, river currents, ocean undertow and changing weather.

Take the time to learn CPR. We know you have a million things to do, but learning CPR should be on the top of the list.

Keep little kids warm. Young kids are at a higher risk for hypothermia. If your children seem cold or are shivering, wrap them tightly in a dry blanket or towel.

This message is brought to you by Safe Kids PA, Lycoming County Partner and the Lycoming County Health Improvement Coalition.

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