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Gazette and Bulletin: November 2, 1922 – Duffy Predicts Rush of Tourists to Williamsport

“I’ll guarantee that the travel from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Lancaster, York, Harrisburg and throughout the state and beyond over the Susquehanna Trail to this city and over the link through Trout Run, Blossbug and into Buffalo will exceed the train over any other road in Pennsylvania and possibly the United States.”

This statement comes from a man who knows, none other than Charles Duffy, proprietor of the Park Hotel and recently elected President of the Pennsylvania Hotel Men’s Association.

Incidentally, Mr. Duffy was informed yesterday that the Trout Run-Blossburg highway will be completed this fall, that the last stretch between Buttonwood and Liberty is being concreted and will be finished within three weeks.

“The most beautiful scenery in the United States is to be found along this highway,” said Mr. Duffy. “It is one of the greatest single assets that can be claimed by Williamsport. But are the merchants and public spirited citizens going to allow the gorgeous scenery at the very doors to be desecrated by the erection of unsightly billboards that at the present time disgrace our countryside.”

Mr. Duffy is arranging an advertising tour; to be conducted next spring which will start at Washington, D.C. and travel to Harrisburg, stopping for the night. The following day the trip will conclude in Buffalo over the completed highway through Trout Run and points beyond.

He is enlisting the participation of hotel owners of the state, Maryland, New York and the Capitol Tour Association who will comprise the party. In addition he expects to secure the attendance of the governor of the state and other officials.

The advertising this city will receive from the tour is immediately apparent, since hotel men are instrumental in directing traffic along the shortest and best routes.

Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.

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