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Lycoming County Beagle Club Promotes The Sport of Beagling

According to a website dealing with the subject, beagling is a form of hunting rabbits by beagle dogs by scent. It is a sport that is particularly popular in the British Isles. In this country interest is centered in the eastern U.S. Locally, there is an organization involved in this sport called the Lycoming County Beagle Club.

The Lycoming County Beagle Club is a non-profit organization established in 1952 to promote and develop the sport of beagling. The club is located at 167 Beagle Club Road, Muncy, and consists of 150 acres with four fenced-in training enclosures. These grounds allow their members to train and run their beagles all year long. The club encourages the quality breeding of pure-bred beagles; to the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club.

Lycoming County Beagle Club holds events throughout the year, including AKC field and show trials. They hold a variety of trials including Derby and All-Age in conjunction with the NEBGF (Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation), Iroquois Beagle Gundog Association (IBGA), Pennsylvania Beagle Gundog Federation (PBGF). All three organizations work to promote the beagle as a hunting dog.

The club holds several events for the public including the winter Rabbit Hunt to be held in December or January. This event allows them to reach out and promote hunting for youth, junior members, and hunters of all ages. They also donate to the PBGF Youth Day, which is held at the Breakneck Beagle Club north of Pittsburgh in July. The other community event at the Lycoming County Beagle Club is a low-cost Rabies Clinic for dogs and cats of all breeds, shapes, and sizes, which is held in April.

Lycoming County Beagle Club currently has over 50 members and is governed by an elected Board of Directors. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the club can review additional information, including a membership application on their website, and their Facebook page, Lycoming County Beagle Club.

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