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Gazette and Bulletin: July 6, 1936 – 4,000 at Festival of Music

An attentive and enthusiastic crowd estimated at over 4,000 gathered in Brandon Park last evening at the Community Music Festival sponsored by the Adult Education Division of the Works Progress Administration. Musical groups of this city and surrounding communities combined to give the people of Williamsport an entertaining and artistic program upon which much time and talent was spent.

The Williamsport Symphony Orchestra under the direction of E. Hart Bugbee opened the program with “Salute to Williamsport” composed by John Hazel of this city.
The Muncy Choral Art Society sang “Triumphal Entry,” arranged by Katherine Weddle-Roberts of Muncy and conducted by Henry H. Hall. Miss Dorethea Smith, soprano, was soloist for the number.

Salvatore Chianelli of Williamsport, gave a fine tenor soloist, gave a fine rendition of Di Carpia’s “O Sole Mio” and “Seranati” by Tosti. He was followed by the Bethune-Douglass Chorus of Williamsport, which sang “Go Down Moses,” and “God’s Gonna Set the World on Fire”.

The Williamsport Symphony Orchestra played numbers from Jerome Kern’s “Showboat,” in an arrangement by the director, Mr. Bugbee. Enthusiastic applause greeted the number in which the orchestra was assisted by the Elks Male Chorus singing “Old Man River.”

The Montgomery Citizens Band, under the direction of Clarence Showers, played selections from “The Red Mill” by Herbert, and “Hungarian Dance No. 6” by Brahms.

The second half of the program was opened by the Muncy Women’s Choral Club, singing “Morning Song” by Holze.

The singing section of the Williamsport Turn Verein, under the direction of J.W. Rothenberg, gave one of the best performance of the evening when it sang some difficult choral music without an accompaniment. The songs were “Eleven Glocken,” Abschied” and “Der Jager und Curpfolz.”

Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.

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