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Gazette and Bulletin: June 23, 1933 – Small Boy Strays Away, Mother Fears Kidnapper

A two-year old boy wearing a big smile and an “I don’t care” expression was picked up on West Fourth Street late yesterday afternoon by a “Gazette and Bulletin” reporter. The little fellow was unable to tell his name, address or anything else. All he did while questioned by the reporter was smile.

Sensing he was lost, the reporter was on to City Hall, when the mother of the boy, Mrs. C.L. Campbell of 810 Third Street, accosted the reporter near the Lycoming Hotel and asked what he was doing with her son. “Taking him to City Hall,” was the answer, telling where he had picked up the lad. Just at that time, a motorcycle officer who with other officers were searching for the boy, appeared on the scene.

The mother when informed of the identity of the man with her son, was quite profuse with her thanks.

While the mother was in a store shopping, the little fellow slipped out the door and made his way onto West Fourth Street to Elmira, crossing the street intersections safely. Here, John Brachbill, a mail carrier saw him, and was making his way for the police station to tell them of the whereabouts of the little boy when the reporter took the lad in tow.

The mother reported the loss of her two-year old son to City Hall, feeling for sure that the little fellow had been kidnapped. An alarm was sent out and police were scouring the business
section when the news reported sensing a story, beat the police to the pick up.

Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.

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