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Gazette and Bulletin: December 18, 1937 – Nickel Meals Offered at High School Cafeteria Pint of Soup for 3 Cents

A meal for a nickel can be secured by the students of the Williamsport High School at the cafeteria maintained in the school under the direction of Mrs. Beulah Manley.

Balanced menus are prepared weekly, which incorporate the use of protein, carbohydrates and vitamin containing foods.

The daily fare consists of one main plate, a minor one and a vegetable dinner, any one of which can be purchased for five cents. On the sides, salads, jello, puddings, cake and pie are provided for an extra cost.
Between 1,000 and 1,200 are served daily, consisting of all members of the sophomore and junior classes, and as many of the seniors who care to eat within the cafeteria.

Junior high school service is similar, but less of a variety is provided. Where in the senior high two plates are available, only one is prepared for the younger group.

Soup and crackers come cheap too. A pint of soup and two crackers can be bought for three cents, milk, both plain and chocolate, pours over the counter with rapidity. Between 300 and 500 half and pint bottles are sold daily.

Only the best quality food is purchased for use in the cafeteria, all from local merchants. All the food is prepared in the kitchen where 10 cooks work daily. Pupils assist those who do not use the cafeteria style.

A variety of items used by Mrs. Manley in the preparation of the menus include macaroni and cheese, macaroni and tomatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy or sauerkraut, corned beef and cabbage, turnips and pork, beef or chicken pot pie, filled hamburg, hot roast beef sandwich, pork and filling, scalloped oysters, cream of tomato, vegetable bean and oyster soups are served.

Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.

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