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Everett, Wheeland to Host Gun Law Seminars in October

Reps. Garth Everett (R-Lycoming/Union) and Jeff Wheeland (R-Lycoming) will host three Gun Law Seminars in the region next month.

“The seminars offer residents the opportunity to learn about all aspects of our state’s gun laws and have their questions answered by local experts,” Everett said. “We have held similar events in the past and have had a lot of positive feedback.”

Wheeland added, “Due to the popularity of these seminars, we’ve had several requests to hold more. I hope people will take advantage of this great opportunity and join us.”

Presenters at the seminar will include Lycoming County Judge Marc Lovecchio, who will discuss Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws; Lycoming County Sheriff Mark Lusk, who will explain rules and regulations surrounding licenses to carry firearms; a police officer, who will discuss how to safely interact with the police when carrying a firearm; and an officer from the Pennsylvania Game Commission, who will discuss firearm carry laws as they relate to hunting seasons.

The events are scheduled as follows:
• Thursday, Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m. at Mountain View Alliance Church, 1515 Cemetery St., Jersey Shore.
• Tuesday, Oct. 23, 6-8 p.m. at Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Co., 1600 Dewey Ave., Williamsport.
• Wednesday, Oct. 24, 6-8 p.m. at Hughesville Volunteer Fire Co., 2 S. Railroad St., Hughesville.

Seating is limited and advance registration is required. To RSVP, visit either member’s website at or; contact Everett’s office by calling (570) 398-4476 or emailing; or contact Wheeland’s office by calling (570) 321-1270 or emailing

Press Release

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