Latest Issue

This Christmas…

OK, so as of this writing (which is Friday), I am well on my way to being ready for Christmas. I have a lot of my shopping done (most of which I can finish in the next couple of days), Erik and I are headed out to get our tree this weekend, and I have started adding to my collection of oddball vintage Christmas decorations.

The next big thing will be starting to prep for Christmas Eve/Day. I have a big party on Christmas Eve for all my friends and family. It’s basically the party equivalent of the “Island of Misfit Toys”. I welcome pretty much any and all to join Erik and me on Christmas Eve for food, drinks and family (be it blood or not). This is one of my favorite nights of the year and while it is can be pretty exhausting, it is worth it every year.

Blaise Alexander Family Dealership’s Christmas Coloring Contest…

Holy moly! We have gotten a ton of entries for our Christmas Coloring Contest! Thank you so much to all the kids who entered! Frangelico Hollycrackers, Mincepie Gingersparkles, Hazelnut Toffeepudding and Honeycomb Icicletree are still hard at work sorting and judging all the entries. I’m not sure how they manage to get anything accomplished considering every time I see them they are either eating sugar or napping in the conference room. Everyone in the office has given up trying to clean up after them. We are just leaving everything be until we ship them home. I think next year I will request a more mature batch of elves! Until then, everything will just be covered in frosting and glitter.
We will be announcing the winners to the contest in next week’s issue. There will also be a complete list of everyone who entered this year!

I also want to send another thank you to all of those supplying our great prizes! This year we have prizes from Flyworld, English Model Railroad, Elery Nau, Hooplas, Treasure Castle Playland, Harder Sporting Goods, Digiplex, Dairy Queen, Gustonian Gifts and Faxon Bowling!

Be sure to check out next week’s issue for all the winners!

As you are out and about this holiday season, please don’t forget about those less fortunate than yourselves. The Salvation Army, American Rescue Workers, Toys for Tots, Family Promise, the Lycoming County United Way, the Central PA Food Bank and more can all extra help during the holidays, so if you are able, please keep them in mind for Christmas donations. Tis the sea.son of giving and there a lot of people out there who could use an extra hand, not just at Christmas but throughout the year!

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