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Gazette and Bulletin: November 9, 1917 – Kerensky is Deposed by Extreme Radicals who Seized Petrograd

Petrograd is again in turmoil. The provisional government has been thrown out of power by the extreme radicals headed by Nikolai Lenin. Premier Kerensky has fled the capital, several of his ministers have been placed under arrest, and the Winter Palace seat of the government, has been bombarded by the guns of the cruiser “Aurora” and the St. Peter and Paul fortress and forced to capitulate to the revolutionaries.

A congress of the workmen’s and soldiers’ delegates of all Russia convened in Petrograd and will discuss the question of power, peace and war and the formation of a constituent assembly A delegation has been named by the congress to confer with the other revolutionary and democratic organizations with the view of initiated peace negotiations for the purpose of “taking steps to stop the bloodshed.”

As yet details of the disorders, which followed the assumption of power by the radical element are meager, but it is known, from its moorings, in the Neva, the cruiser.

Aurora fired shrapnel and solid shot against the Winter Palace for four hours, with the guns of the great fort in front of the palace bearing keeping in accord with the salvos from the warship. Desultory fighting also took place at various parts inside of the city, the revolutionaries capturing vantage points along the Nevsky Prospect and various bridges over the Neva. It is possible that casualties among the citizenry were slight.

Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.

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