The Muncy branch of the Mansfield Normal School will open for the summer term on Monday, June 15 and will continue to August 16. New entrants into the teaching field must have 15 units of high school work or its equivalent, before they can be admitted to the Muncy school in preparation for study for a teacher’s certificate.
In addition to the Normal school there will be conducted a secondary department for those students who have not secured their required units of high school work. The courses to be given are Problems of Democracy, commercial arithmetic, English composition, English fundamentals, and teaching of primary reading.
The work at Muncy Normal will be of collegiate grade.
Arrangements have been made for a demonstration school as one of the special features of the normal this year. This will be give an opportunity for prospective rural school teachers to see demonstration lessons taught by expert teachers.
There will be special lectures by members of the department of education, and other prominent speakers, including, Charles Lose, Mrs. H. C. Federolff, who is an expert in the teaching of art and music. Full credit will be allowed by all departments of education and educational schools or colleges for all work taken in the Normal School. While this credit was allowed in individual cases in the past, this year is the first when credit was given generally for this work.