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Hunger Action Month: A Time to Unite Against Hunger

September is Hunger Action Month, a time when communities across the United States come together to raise awareness and take action to combat hunger. Organized by Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, this annual campaign spotlights food insecurity and encourages individuals, businesses, and organizations to get involved in the fight to end hunger.

Hunger is a pervasive issue in the U.S., with millions of Americans facing food insecurity. According to Feeding America, over 34 million people, including more than 9 million children, live in households where access to enough food is uncertain. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these numbers, and while some improvements have been made, many still struggle to put food on the table. Hunger isn’t just about lacking food — it’s about lacking nutritious food, which can seriously affect health, education, and economic stability.

Hunger Action Month is a crucial time to raise awareness of these challenges. It encourages us to understand the severity of food insecurity and actively participate in addressing it.

One of the core messages of Hunger Action Month is that everyone can make a difference. Whether through donations, volunteering, advocacy, or raising awareness, there are numerous ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

1. Donate Food or Funds: Local food banks and pantries rely on donations to support those in need. Non-perishable items are always in high demand, but monetary donations can often go further, allowing organizations to purchase fresh produce, dairy, and other essential items at lower costs.

2. Volunteer: Volunteering at a local food bank, soup kitchen, or shelter is a hands-on way to make an impact. Many organizations need help sorting food, packing boxes, or distributing meals to families in need.

3. Raise Awareness: Social media is a powerful tool for spreading the word about Hunger Action Month: share statistics, personal stories, and information about local events or initiatives. Every post has the potential to inspire someone else to get involved.

4. Advocate for Change: Hunger isn’t just a charity issue; it’s a policy issue. It’s important to understand that hunger is often a symptom of larger societal problems, such as poverty, lack of access to education, and systemic inequality. Advocate for stronger social safety nets, improved access to nutrition assistance programs, and policies that address these root causes of poverty and food insecurity. Contact your local representatives to voice your support for legislation that fights hunger.

5. Organize a Food Drive: Gather your community, workplace, or school to host a food drive. Even small donations add up and can make a big difference for a local food bank.

While Hunger Action Month is a time of heightened focus on the issue, it’s important to remember that hunger is a year-round problem. As we move through September and beyond, the fight against food insecurity must continue. Supporting local food banks, advocating for policies that address hunger, and volunteering regularly are vital steps toward creating a society where no one goes hungry.

Hunger Action Month reminds us that hunger is not just a distant issue but one that affects millions of Americans, including those in our own communities. Through education, action, and advocacy, we can work together to reduce food insecurity and create a more equitable future. This September, take a step — whether big or small — toward making hunger history.

Every action counts in the fight against hunger, and by working together as a community, we can help ensure that everyone has access to the nutritious food they need to thrive.

Locally, you can contact the Central PA Food Bank at or by calling (570) 321-8023.