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Williamsport Sun: August 12, 1927 – Gala Events at Memorial Field Before Closing

Memorial Field will close its 1927 season about Labor Day but before it does there has been arranged a series of events beginning September 1.

The Park Amusement Company, of which Dan D. Kline is manager, will stage a bathing beauty contest on Thursday, September 1, a style show the next day, and a Mardi Gras several days later.

The present plans are to hold the event at the ballpark and build a runway extending from the two dugouts so that every person attending can have a good view of the show. Arrangements are being made to have the field well lighted and permission has been received from the ballclub management so that the park company can proceed with the preliminary work.

The bathing beauty contest will have many restrictions so that every entrant will be of the high type. Entrants must be between 16 and 28 years of age and must be not married.

In as much as the contest has been extended out of Williamsport the committed has decided that the winner will be known as “Miss Lycoming” and negotiations have been made to bring in a national beauty expert on the dates announced as chairman of the committee. In addition, local judges will be selected.

Every entrant will be provided with a bathing suit contest and after the contest the bathing suit will become the property of the wearer. Arrangements with a matron who will previously supply the entrants with their bathing suits and assist them with their preparations the night of the contest.