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The Roving Sportsman… Create a Memory for Father’s Day

You can go to your local outdoor store and come up with numerous gift ideas for Dad on His Day. You can go online and find hundreds of great gift ideas to make His Day a little brighter. And, you can browse through the many catalogs you or he receives in the mail to come up with some great ideas. But, frankly, any such gift pales in comparison with what I am about to suggest.

Store bought items or those things you can obtain online or through catalogs are OK, and they may even be something that Dad really needs or wants. And, I am sure they would be appreciated by Pop. After all, Dads are great people and you want to treat him right – you only ever get one Dad! But, what is the one thing that is valuable above all other things? Time. Yes, your time. And here is what I mean.

You give him a regular gift, he opens it up, he likes it, he admires it, and he appreciates it. And, from time to time, as he uses that gift he remembers that you gave it to him and he is thankful for your thoughtfulness. But, what if you could spend a day or two with Dad doing something he loves to do and you create a memory that will last a lifetime and strengthen the great bond you already have?

If your Dad is into knitting or sewing, or his passion is music or the arts, I’ll let you figure out what to do. But, if he is an outdoorsman and loves outdoor sports, here are some suggestions:

Is he a fisherman? If so, put together a trip for just the two of you to New York State to enjoy some of their salmon, brown trout or steelhead fishing either on a charter boat or on one of the numerous streams that provide outstanding fishing when the fish are headed upstream to spawn. Locally, there are fishing guides available to ensure that you and Dad have a successful day on one or two of our numerous trout streams or on a drift fishing trip on the mighty Susquehanna. If your goal is to have a day or two with just the two of you, then consider spending time on one of our many picturesque mountain trout streams in pursuit of native brook trout. You could plan to stay overnight and camp out to extend the time together. Ah, can’t you just smell the wonderful aroma of freshly caught trout frying in a cast iron skillet with butter, and then adding a dash of salt and pepper for taste? (You might want to take along a few hot dogs just in case!)

If hunting is his passion, then line up a day or two of hunting this coming fall. Whether it is for small game, deer, bear or turkeys, spending a couple of days with Dad will allow you to create some wonderful memories that both of you can relive over the years to come. Camping out overnight could be a pleasant addition to the trip, and what tastes better than a venison backstrap cooked over a wood fire? While you could arrange a trip together out west for elk or mule deer, your trip doesn’t have to be that extensive or expensive. The point is to spend time together – just the two of you.

If shooting is his forte, then a trip up the Loyalsock to the Consolidated Sportsmen’s property will allow you to spend the day shooting handguns, rifles or shotguns. If you want to shoot a round or two of sporting clays, then Thunder Ridge, above Wellsboro is your closest opportunity. You might even consider signing up the two of you for some handgun training at the National Range and Armory at 531 Washington Boulevard in Williamsport.

If you recall the song “Cat’s in the cradle,” sung by Harry Chapin, you will remember how time seems to slip away from a well-intentioned father and son, who, in the end, wish they had spent more time together. Take the opportunity this coming Father’s Day to make sure you do just that!

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  • Bill Bean
    June 10, 2020, 10:01 am

    Jon always has great article’s, I look forward to them every week. Not just interesting but informative