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A Bit of This and That…

A Bit of This and That…

So, on October 26th, I had the amazing chance to go ‘Over the Edge’ as part of a fundraiser benefit the YWCA, the YMCA and the Williamsport Educational Foundation. With 60 or so rappellers taking the ‘leap’, over $50,000 was raised!

I had a terrifyingly fun time doing my rappel. You don’t really think about how high you are until you have to walk backward off the edge of a 10-story building!

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put together this awesome event. I can’t wait until next year!

I also want to say thank you to all the veterans that have served our country.

As always, here are all the ways we should be thanking our veterans, active duty service men and women and those who have given their lives for our country.

Please remember those who have served that are STILL sacrificing these things on a regular basis because as much as people like to boast patriotism in this country, we still aren’t taking proper care of our veterans.

So to all of the men and women who have served each branch of the military, thank you…

Thank you for sacrificing your time.

Thank you for sacrificing your safety.

Thank you for sacrificing your sleep.

Thank you for sacrificing being there for your children’s birthdays.

Thank you for sacrificing being there for the birth of your children.

Thank you for sacrificing being there for their first steps.

Thank you for sacrificing being there for their first words.

Thank you for sacrificing being there for their proms and graduations.

Thank you for sacrificing your holidays.

Thank you for sacrificing good food.

Thank you for sacrificing a comfortable place to sleep.

Thank you for sacrificing clean clothes.

Thank you for sacrificing hot showers.

Thank you for sacrificing your own physical and emotional wellbeing.

Thank you for sacrificing your life so that I have freedom to live mine.

So many sacrifices, large and small, being made every day — across the state, across the country and across the world — to make my life more comfortable to live.

To all of the men and women who are currently serving or are past service members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard and Reserves. Thank you. It will never be enough, but I hope you know how thankful we are for your service.

I’m not nearly ready to start thinking about the holidays yet, but they are right around the corner whether I like it or not. I realized this when I got my free turkey certificate at the grocery store the other day. So I’ll close out this week with this: if you have or get a turkey certificate consider getting your turkey and donating it to the Central PA Food Bank or the American Rescue Workers. It’s an easy way to help out those in need.

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