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Gazette and Bulletin: May 6, 1939 – To Open Traffic Division, Change Timing of Lights

Establishment of a traffic division of the Williamsport Police Department and a detailed traffic survey with the aid of a WPA employee were announced last night by Chief John G. Good.

The police official expects to have a comprehensive study of local automobile and pedestrian traffic ready within three months, from which a new program of control will likely be developed.

Sergeant Raymond E. Fedder and Patrolman J. Sanford Moon, both graduates of special traffic schools conducted by the state, will operate the division and work with the chief in directing the detailed survey by WPA workers.

In line with proposals to improve conditions in the business district, Chief Good announced he would start next week to test various timing schedules for the traffic lights. He expressed the hope some of the congestion may be eliminated by changing operation of the lights.

Patrolman Moon. now assigned to the midnight to 8 a.m. shift, will be placed in a special office on the second floor of City Hall. He will study accident reports from the past year and will prepare a map showing the scene of the various crashes. He will also keep a detailed report as age of operator, sex, time of accident and cause in an effort to learn methods of halting some of the accidents.

The WPA survey will reveal automobile and pedestrian obedience to signs, signals and traffic flow per hour at various intersections and other pertinent facts about local conditions.

Compiled by Lou Hunsinger Jr.

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