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15-Year-Old Local Girl Pens Science Fantasy Book

Kayla O’Dell is a typical 15-year-old girl enjoying her high school experience and all the fun you can have as a teenager. Kayla is in 10th grade; she lives in Muncy and attends Commonwealth Charter Academy.

One thing is not typical, however — she has written a science fantasy novel and had it published. Webb Weekly interviewed Kayla about the experience of doing this and why she did it. What follows is our interview with her about this.

She started out by saying, “I am an imaginative person. I am always making up stories or playing scenarios out in my head. The Secret of the Guardian Forest started with an idea about a girl and her friends that resembled me and mine. I chose to write fantasy because anything can happen. You can really let your imagination fly. Using fantasy in The Secret of the Guardian Forest, I was able to develop characters, situations, and settings that would not have been feasible in other forms of writing.”
Question: What motivated you to write your book? What was your process?

Kayla: For many years, I had started short stories but had only finished a few of them. With this particular story, I connected with the characters, both human and animal. I enjoyed telling their story and never experienced writer’s block. Not getting stuck in my writing or running out of ideas helped me finish. My dad, Harry Odell Jr., was the one to first mention publication to me and made me think about the process. My mom, Sarah, also helped encourage me toward the option of publication. After I had fully decided I was going to publish my book, I started editing.

I told my aunt about my story I was writing and editing. At the time, the pandemic hit at full force, and everyone was quarantined. My aunt offered to help me with the editing process. We spent a few hours every day going over a chapter or two. After we were done, we went over the whole manuscript again. After editing my story with my aunt, my parents and I decided to hire a professional.

I worked with a professional content editor for ten months. Once again, going through the book chapter by chapter. I then worked with a professional format editor for five months. She formatted the interior, chose the font, and arranged the pages. A family friend created the cover. My format editor used the drawing to design the cover.

I self-published through Amazon. This was advice I received from my editors. They said that an author my age might have a hard time selling her first book to a publishing company; however, this may be a possible option in the future.
Question: How long did it take you to publish your book?

Kayla: It has taken me just a few months shy of three years to publish the book. I wrote for about two and then spent almost a year working with editors. The actual publishing process was very short. Within three days of my book being complete, it was published and for sale on Amazon in both eBook and paperback.
Question: How old were you when you first started writing?

Kayla: I started writing The Secret of the Guardian Forest when I was twelve. However, I have written for fun since I was eight.
Question: Did you face any roadblocks during your writing process?

Kayla: Not really. I was very eager to write and to get it published. I think the biggest problem I faced while writing was the motivation of the process. Even though I was eager, it still took a lot of time and mental strain to get the writing, editing, and publication finished. I wrote a lot during the pandemic. My family often took drives to get out of the house; I always took my computer along, writing and developing as we drove around looking for wildlife.
Question: Do you have any future events you might be attending?

Kayla: Yes. I will have a book signing/reading/sale at James V. Brown Library on February 21, at 5:00 p.m. During this, I will be reading an excerpt of The Secret of the Guardian Forest and then holding a question and answer session.
Question: Are you going to write any other books?

Kayla: Yes, I am currently working on a sequel for, The Secret of the Guardian Forest. I am planning on this first publication to be the start of at least a trilogy, if not more.

Kayla’s parents are very proud and pleased with her initiative and creativity. “We are very proud of her! She has dedicated many hours to this book. She has been very devoted in her writing. We are excited to see where her creativity takes her next,” said Kayla’s mother, Sarah.
Question: Where can we buy your book?

It is available on in eBook and paperback format. You can also buy signed copies from me directly by emailing me at
Question: What might surprise people about the Secret of the Guardian Forest?

Kayla: Although the main audience is children aged 10-14, it is an enjoyable read for all. Although it is a fantasy fiction book, I spent many hours researching name meanings, weaponry, animals, and armor.
Summary of the Book:

Six girls from rural Pennsylvania are exploring the woods near their homes when they discover a passage to a different world. This new world is home to many strange and wonderful creatures. They find their spirit animals and unique powers, but most importantly, a secret their families have kept for millennia. The girls have to use this newfound information to protect themselves, their families, and new friends from a major force of evil.

The girls learn to trust each other and their instincts as they navigate their two lives. They grow closer together as they keep this tremendous secret while experiencing numerous near-death experiences.