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Search Results For 'shooting'

  • Making the Calls0

    As the room began to fill, the noise level increased incrementally. Soon the conversations taking place all across the room melted into one big buzz as the ‘war stories’ of the games they had officiated elicited smiles, laughter and an occasional contradiction to what was being discussed. The occasion was the annual end-of-the-year gathering of

  • The Roving Sportsman… Go Anyway!0

    Sometimes, it just seems like the effort will be wasted. You’re tired from the hard work the day before, it’s raining, it’s windy, it’s too cold, and you overslept and now won’t arrive at your hunting spot until much later than you had planned. You’ll jump the deer or turkeys as you try to hurry

  • Hoops, Justice and a Place to Play0

    It is great to see basketball back at Memorial Park. Tip of my Webb Weekly cap to Mayor Gabriel Campana and his efforts on getting this done. When the basketball hoops were taken down a few years back, I was not a fan of the decision. I reached out to Mayor Campana and let my

  • Alize – Paying Hoop Dreams Forward

    Alize – Paying Hoop Dreams Forward0

    Several years back, I was helping coach a very talented Loyalsock 8th grade basketball team. Datres, Little, Sosa, Baggett, Pastore and my son Jimmy were the mainstays on the roster. I had the pleasure of working with these boys since the time they were in third grade, and they looked forward to playing the best

  • The Roving Sportsman… Turkey Camp — Florida Style0

    When we Pennsylvanians conjure up thoughts of going to hunting camp, we generally picture a similar setting. Often, it is an old farmhouse that has been remodeled to include an upgraded kitchen and bedrooms that house numerous bunk beds to sleep all of the hunters. There is usually a large dining area that doubles as

  • Our Nation has Become Zombified1

    I have never been a fan of zombies. I remember in the late 70s when “Dawn of the Dead” was the big movie. I had no interest in seeing it. When I go to the movies, I want to laugh and be entertained. I have never been into the blood, gore, and things that go

  • Now, It’s Up to You!0

    Every year an untold number of Pennsylvania hunters cross our borders to spend time and money pursuing their passion for hunting outside our state. Some of these individuals travel to western states to hunt for elk, mule deer, mountain lions or other game that is simply not available here. Often, several hunters will travel with

  • The Roving Sportsman… It’s Time to Take a Non-shooter Shooting!0

    If you are like the majority of shooters that I have encountered over the years, you probably began shooting during your early years. Through the decades, your passion for the sport has grown and now you have, no doubt, expanded your shooting to include rim-fire and center-fire rifles, handguns of all sorts and the various

  • The Warrior Six0

    I have nothing but love for Lycoming College. It is a beautiful place, and there is so much to offer. Both of my parents worked here until 2017, and I was a part-timer in the athletic department for 16 seasons. I earned my degree from Lycoming in 2001, and I am very proud of my

  • This Week’s LION: Commissioner Candidate Gabe Campana0

    The starting gate for the May Primary will have a crowded field for the office of County Commissioner. The count could be as high as eight to ten candidates, including the incumbents, but probably none are as well known as Gabe Campana. After three terms as Williamsport mayor, Campana felt that he had succeeded in

  • Malacusky Joins the Record Books as 1,000-Point Scorer for the Sullivan County Griffins

    Malacusky Joins the Record Books as 1,000-Point Scorer for the Sullivan County Griffins1

    As Sullivan County’s MyKenzie Malacusky pulled up during the closing seconds of the third quarter most in attendance knew the shot could be history for the program. Malacusky controlled the pass from her teammate, zoned in on the hoop, and let a shot fly as the clock fell under ten seconds. The ball left no

  • The Roving Sportsman… Near Disaster!!!0

    Clayton Rue, a sporting clays instructor from Alaska, recently related having witnessed a catastrophic failure of a shotgun. The failure occurred when a 20-gauge shell was inadvertently dropped into a 12-gauge shotgun, then a 12-gauge shell was loaded on top of it! When this occurs, the 20-gauge shell hangs up down in the barrel- allowing

  • This Week’s LION: The Private Public Servant – Tom Marino0

    Tom Marino, U.S. Representative of the 12th Congressional District of Pennsylvania, officially resigned from Congress on January 23, 2019. His formal press release did not explain this action, although in a later statement he commented that he was taking a job in the public sector. Given the current political climate, I can say with full

  • The Roving Sportsman… Off and Running!0

    With January past its midpoint and Old Man Winter tightening his grip as best he can, one begins to wonder just what to do to pass the time. Well, the clock is running, and there really isn’t anything you can do about the weather except wait it out in hopes that spring just might come

  • The Roving Sportsman… New Year’s Resolutions0

    It is that time of year to make our traditional New Year’s Resolutions — you know -that list of things we know we should follow, but rarely seem to accomplish! So really, the first step is to promise ourselves that this year we will make that list and be much more conscientious about following it.

  • Customize and Make Your Own Lures0

    My wife and I spent the better part of a day at Cabela’s the week before Christmas, and trust me, I was never overtaken by boredom. Needless to say, I spent a good bit of my time wandering the seemingly endless aisles of fishing lures and fishing equipment. I probably don’t have to tell you

  • California – A Failed Example of Liberal and Socialistic Policy1

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Newman, California Police Corporal Ronil Singh. The young officer lost his life during a routine traffic stop when an illegal alien with a criminal record opened fire. The K-9 handling Officer leaves behind a young wife, a five-year-old son, and a large supportive family. The


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