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  • The Layer Game0

    We are at the height of transitional dressing, friends, what with chilly morning temperatures and tepid afternoon highs. Add in a mix of sun, clouds, and rain, and it’s officially layering season! Layering garments can result in a bulky mess or an artful use of pieces that can transition from morning to evening, all while

  • Leather Weather0

    So often folks refer to fall as sweater weather, and rightfully so, what with the dips in temperature and shorter days, who wouldn’t want to wrap up in cozy and comfy knitwear? However, another fabric to consider for this time of year is leather. Whether genuine or faux, leather has just as much of a

  • Allergy Skincare0

    Just like the way wardrobes cycle through seasons, so do allergies. The worst months for allergy sufferers are typically March through July with pollen, but the fall also has allergy challenges with ragweed and mold. Along with the standard symptoms of sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, and cough, allergies can also dramatically impact your skin.

  • Fall Trends0

    Trends come and go, and with each new season, there’s a new “it” item, be it shoes, handbags, or even hem-lengths. And if you’re a fall fashion fan, as I am, you may be overwhelmed when trying to incorporate all of the exciting up-and-coming trends for the season. Usually, I find it best to pick

  • Hair Oil0

    For many of us, healthy, thick hair can be elusive. As we get older, hair growth tends to slow, and the remaining hair starts to thin out. Hair tends to dry out as we go about our busy days. There are a variety of over the counter, as well as prescription, treatments to promote hair

  • Ageless Fall Trends0

    There is a 28-year age difference between myself and my mother, but despite the generational divide, we tend to gravitate toward similar items because true style knows no age or age limit. We also both love fall, and are always happy to welcome back sweater weather. Here are the five trends we’re both eyeing up


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